Purchasing Mini Remote Control Helicopter for Indoor Use? Read This...

I cannot tell you enough the fun that I have had with mini indoor remote control helicopters. And the people that own mini indoor remote control helicopters are often the nicest, most fun people in the entire world. When I was recently touring with a group of helicopter flyers, it was the mini indoor remote control helicopter owners that invite all the other helicopter owners over their houses, and that allow them to bring their helicopters for a free for all helicopter fight.
I couldn’t believe the hospitality of this group of people, and I had so much fun at their house. Luckily, before the first mini indoor remote control helicopter party I went to, I purchased a great set of mini indoor helicopters, so I was well equipped to participate in their fun. I had such a great time, and we had such great food, drink, and conversation, that I knew I wanted to spend more time with these people. That is the reason that I began touring with this group. We travel around the nation, flying our helicopters in fields and in schools or for private parties, such as birthday parties.

We had the most fun at a 3 year old’s birthday party where we brought all of our most brightly colored helicopters for a great helicopter party, and all the children were laughing and clapping, and we all had a really great time. We even did a helicopter piñata which the kids thought was really awesome. They hit the piñata with pretend helicopter blades, and when the piñata broke apart, the helicopter was filled with helicopter candies! Another party we went to was for a ninety-two year old retired fighter pilot, and all his pilot buddies. He was still very good at flying our helicopters, even though he was so old.

It was very impressive, and he really enjoyed himself. So, in general, this helicopter touring club is a wonderful thing that brings me much joy. Of course, there are times when our parties go wrong, like once we were hired for a bachelorette party, and they thought we were something that we were not. I had no idea that could even happen, but apparently it does all the time. My guess is the party planners were drunk or something when they hired us, because we never advertised ourselves as anything but helicopter fliers. And that’s what we still are today. After about 14 years of hard work, I can now say that my helicopter touring company is off the ground and flying high. And I am really proud of my hard work, and of all the work that my colleagues put into getting the helicopter touring company from an idea on paper to something that was really tangible. The original group of 5 that started the helicopter touring company has since grown to 200, but we are still as close as ever, and we often get together for dinners and fly our mini indoor remote control helicopters all around. What a wonderful experience.


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