Houston: The Best Place for Remote Control Helicopters

If you are a resident of Texas, particularly Houston, and if you are interested in remote control helicopters, then this is the article for you. As you know, there are many types of different remote control helicopter enthusiasts in Houston, and if you’re one of them, then you’re in good company. These people are some of the most hospitable people in the nation—maybe even in the entire world—and they really know their stuff when it comes to helicopter flying, maintenance, and general enjoyment.

Even if you know nothing about helicopter flying, if you are at all interested in learning more, then these people will be incredibly helpful in your search to learn as much as possible about remote control helicopters. You can be assured that you’re in good hands. I am from the Houston area, and if it weren’t for my fantastic exposure to remote control helicopters as a child, I don’t know if I would have been able to truly cultivate my own innate interest in remote control helicopters.

It would have been very different, because my parents really didn’t know very much about helicopters, and although they supported me in my remote control helicopter flying ventures, it was the other residents of Houston—helicopter shopowners, maintenance crews, and the like—that were really instrumental in showing me the true joy that is remote control helicopter flying. I was so thrilled when I first decided to start a collection, and it was in Houston that this decision was born. I was walking along one summer afternoon when I was about fifteen, browsing the shops and generally window shopping with no intent to purchase.

At that time, I had two helicopters, both of which I loved, but I didn’t think that I would need more right away; plus, I didn’t know where I would put any more of them, and they can be a lot of work to maintain, lots of dusting and oiling, etc. Anyway, I walked past this amazing shop that was just full of helicopters of all shapes and sizes, from the very smallest to helicopters so large that they could barely be called model helicopters, except for that fact that they were still remote controlled. It was after seeing this remarkable collection, that I realized that I wanted to start a collection of my own. And that’s how it all started.

I ultimately walked into the helicopter shop and explained to the shop owner how impressed I was by his collection and how much I desperately wanted to start my own. And he was kind enough to offer me one of his, on the house, as a gift of friendship from one helicopter collector to another. I never forgot his generosity, and when I was older and had more helicopters of my own, I walked back to his shop, which was still in the very same place, and donated one of my best helicopters to him. He remembered me, and was so proud that I had kept with my collection.

It is experiences like that that keep a person coming back to Houston, where the remote control helicopter collectors are better than anywhere else!


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