Understanding Reiki

With all the stresses brought by the modern world, it is only common to people to look for alternatives in relieving their stress. Aside from resulting to medications and other treatments that give the promise of comfort and relaxations, people are now resulting to ancient means of relieving stress such as Reiki.

The Japanese word "Reiki" refers to a unique technique that is used for reducing stress. Ultimately used to relieve aches brought by too much stress, Reiki is also used to aid relaxation and healing not only of the person's physical body but his or her soul and spirit as well.

Administered by "laying on hands," this technique for healing is believed to be effective through the use of an invisible force of life energy that flows in every living and breathing individual.

In the concept of Reiki, it is believed that when the level of a person's life force energy is incredibly low, he or she will likely to be stressed out more often and have a higher tendency to get sick or ill compared to those people with high level of life energy force.

In Reiki, it is also proven that those people who are living healthy, stress-free and happy lives possess high level of life force energy which enable them to have positive outlook in life. These people also have greater capability to face the challenges of everyday living.

Developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Tendai Buddhist in the year 1922, Reiki has been a very popular form of relieving stress to people all over the world. Since its discovery, the technique Reiki has evolved in various forms and has been practiced by numerous Reiki masters across the globe.

Reiki as a means of healing

More and more people are into Reiki in the previous years because the technique has shown great and incredible results. For most people who have tried it, the treatment is a wonderful solution to relieving stress. This is because they don’t have to spend so much money in buying medication that can have grave side effects and they don’t also have to undergo through painful body exercises and unhealthy regimens.

Reiki is considered as a wonderful means of relaxation because it uses the innate warmth and energy in a person. This energy is then converted to a "purer" form of energy—free from the busy schedule and toxicities of modern living. People who have tried Reiki say that the technique does not only treat the person's physical body but also alleviates the burden in emotions, lessens the clutter of the mind, and nourishes a deteriorated spirit.

When a person is free from all these physical and emotional burdens, he or she will benefit from a relaxed in almost all kinds of environment because the feelings of calmness and serenity are infused within his or her system.

Unlike other techniques for relaxation, Reiki is one of the most simple and all natural means of healing a person's spirit. In fact, it is so safe that almost all people can make use of it. When used properly and trained religiously, Reiki can be an answer to all the health and emotional problems of people.

But, in order to make use of the Reiki properly, one must attend a class where the ability is transferred. Using "attunement" conducted by a Reiki master, one can easily learn to convert his or her innate energy into a healthy and beneficial use.

Here, the student is guided by the master in tapping the limitless source of energy and use it to improve his or her quality of life.


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