The role Reiki symbols play

One of the significant things that a person—who is planning to get into the practice of Reiki—must know is the Reiki symbols. This is because these symbols play a very important role in carrying out this unique form of spiritual and physical healing.

Known as cryptic symbols that were used in early practices of the traditional Reiki, these symbols were in the shade of controversy for a long period of time. They were also a source of confusion especially for starters in classes because they were not taught to students of until they have moved on to the second level of the spiritual healing. In fact, it took researchers a very long time to really decode the original Reiki symbols because different Reiki masters made many variations.

As times went by, more and more Reiki masters wanted to have their own variation of Reiki as a form of spiritual healing, thus, leading to many variations of the symbols that were used in the practice of Reiki. To be able to clear the controversy that hounds Reiki symbols, many Reiki masters came out with a book containing the "supposedly" original Reiki symbols that are used in the practice.

This, somehow, cleared the air of confusion among Reiki students but degraded some Reiki masters—who have higher level of practice—because now, even the neophytes can learn the secrets to the Reiki practice that took a long time before they can truly master.

Aiding effective practice of Reiki

Today, there are still many variations of Reiki symbols depending on the school where it is being practiced. But, four symbols remain standard to all Reiki classes. The following include:

1. The Power Symbol or the "ChoKuRei." Translated as "put all the power of the universe here," ChoKuRei is used by many Reiki masters because it increases the focus or the power of Reiki. ChoKuRei is usually used before beginning with the practice Reiki because it increases Reiki power and also used in the end of the session for the Reiki healing powers to be sealed. It is also used in cleansing and protecting the person or other things on possible supernatural assault.

2. The Mental-Emotional Symbol or the "SeiHeKi." In English, "SeiHeKi" means "God and humanity becomes one." Reiki practitioners use this symbol in balancing the left and right side of brain to be able to achieve peace as well as harmony. Primarily, SeiHeKi is used to aid the healing of imbalanced mental-emotional levels of a person. People who are problematic in the fields of relationships, mental issues, emotional imbalances, lack of memory, and those addictive problems are advised to use this Reiki symbol.

3. The Distance Symbol or the "HonShaZeShoNen." This Reiki symbol is used to clear a person's emotional and mental state and aids in enabling the channels slowly. In Kanji, the phrase "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen" can mean five different meanings that include: origin or source, person, just or right, certainty or correctness, and an idea or thought. Primarily used to send Reiki channels in a distant space or time or space, this symbol is used by more and more Reiki masters to be able to send the power of Reiki in the past or in the near and retrieve it when needed.

4. The Attunement Symbol or the "DaiKoMyo." This symbol is primarily used in aiding the student to achieve different levels or degree of Reiki power. Also known as a symbol for wisdom and gift of insight, DaiKoMyo is considered as an effective symbol for cleansing and healing a person's soul and spirit.


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