The Anugraha Reiki

Anugraha Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of healing. Reiki has its origins traced back to Japan where the practice was developed by a Tendai Budhhist named Mikao Usui in 1922. He was said to have discovered the technique after a 21-day retreat on Mount Kurama.

After undergoing meditation, fasting and prayer during the retreat, Usiu claimed to have received some mystical revelation and was handed down the knowledge as well as the spiritual power for healing.

Reiki has been known to be fairly easy and simple to use. Everyone is said to be able to employ the system to achieve spiritual healing of self as well as others. Teaching the system usually involves three parts which are better known as degrees. The first degree usually teaches the basic theories and procedures with using Reiki energy.

This energy is said to pass through a channel in the body which can be opened by way of four "attunements" given by the Reiki master to a student. The first degree of training also involves the learning of certain hand placements that allow the Reiki energy to heal people.

The second degree of the Reiki training involves the use of the Reiki symbols and how they can be used to enhance healing. Students are also taught how to provide distant healing. This will allow people to be able to heal others without being physically present. The third degree of the Reiki training involves making the student become a Reiki master. As a Reiki master, a person may now be able to attune others to Reiki and teach the system to others.

Different forms of Reiki now exist and each one of them provides different ways of providing spiritual healing. One of them is the Anugraha Reiki which is a mystical healing art that originated in India. The word "Anugraha" means Grace, which is considered as one of the five functions of the Divine that ultimately leads to Liberation or "Mukti". Anugraha can also refer to the Power of Revelation. On another level, the word can also relate to Mercy.

Just like the Japanese form of Reiki, the first level of Anugraha Reiki focuses on self healing, self awareness, replenishment and perfecting relationship. A Diksha or attunement is given to help activate seldom used parts of the brain. A simple yet advanced spiritual practice is taught to help transform a person's consciousness and result to deep states of awareness within 30 days.

The second level of the Anugraha Reiki focuses on healing others. During this period, sacred sounds are being taught that is said to help invoke positive consciousness. An advanced form of meditation is also taught. A type of special mantra used to invoke the presence is taught along with the techniques for doing healing work both through personal and long distance means.

The third degree initiation of Anugraha Reiki involves the teaching of the esoteric use of important Reiki symbols that can be used for different means such as for astral projection, meditation, altering time or space, bridging the worlds of life and death, and easing the transition process. There are two additional master symbols are also revealed.
For a student to succeed and qualify for the third degree of teaching, he or she should already be relatively clear of his or her own physical and psychological suffering.


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