Message From The Heavens: Celestial Reiki

Let�s break the concept down into simpler explanations. If you don�t know what reiki is, in a nutshell, it is a technique or a spiritual practice that is used to heal. In simpler terms the practice help reduce stress and induce deep relaxation, among other benefits.

The technique was developed by Japanese Mikao Usui and was primarily intended as a form of therapy that could be used in tandem with conventional techniques for treating physical, emotional and mental illnesses. It is a healing technique.

The concept of celestial reiki is the same. But instead of having a spiritual experience limited here on Earth, one who practices celestial reiki takes into account the other planets of the solar system as well as stars and constellations, particularly the star constellations of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

According to the teachings of reiki, there�s an energy that can be channeled to help heal diseases. This energy is universal and flows within us as our �life force�. This life force energy dictates our feelings and dispositions. The more active the energy flows through us, the healthier and happier we become.

With celestial reiki, the �life force� that is used to heal in ordinary reiki is taken further. The earth�s core �life force� energy is used to heal the mind, body and soul. And since all planets and star systems emit a particular �life force� signature, celestial reiki practitioners harness that energy and use the energy from the celestial bodies to heal the human body.

Reiki treatment involves the whole body. This includes the body�s physical state and its emotional, intellectual and, of course, the spiritual well being. When you look at it, reiki is a simple self-improvement technique. And since the �life force� energy it teaches is said to be present in all things, anybody can use this energy to heal and promote recovery.

It�s not limited to individual energy, but encompasses the universe. This is why the �life force� energy in reiki is infinite. And regardless of how many times or how many people use it, the �life force� energy can always be utilized to heal.

However, reiki is not taught but rather the ability is transferred by a Reiki master to his student during the stage of what they call �attunement.� At this level, the Reiki master passes the ability of reiki to a student allowing hem to tap to the �life force� energy which will give him the ability to heal wounds and illnesses and generally improve one�s quality of life.

One need to emphasize, however, that reiki is not a religion. Instead, those who practices reiki get more intimate with their own religion, understanding and enriching their own religious beliefs. A reiki practitioner has to promote the way of good living in order to master the flow of the �life force� and promote harmony and peace for true healing to happen.

Going back to celestial reiki, what we currently know about the solar system and stars is given a new light by practicing this form of reiki.

Understand that the universe�s �life force� energy can be channeled it into one�s hands to heal not only on the individual level but eventually heal the whole planet as well. And by connecting with each planet and star system, reiki practitioners are able to accomplish such feat.


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