Chicken Raising Terms from N - W

It is necessary to know all the terms needed for raising chickens for you to be more equipped on what to buy or need. With this information, you can fully comprehend what needs to be done to raise chickens effectively.

Nest box – a box, usually improvised, that is designed for hens to lay their eggs. It is a requirement that for a number amounting to 4 to 5 hens, one nesting box is needed.

Non-setter – this is a kind of chicken breed that don’t have any desire to care for their chicks, if they have one, or never wanted to incubate or hatch fertilized eggs.

Ornamental breed – a kind of chicken that is used only for ornamental purposes and nothing more. These breeds are the ones that are often seen in fairs and poultry shows. They are appreciated because of their stunning stature and appearance but not used for producing eggs and chicken meat.

Poultry show – this is a kind of show that is organized for the sake of judgment. The proudest breeds are displayed and are judged according to their standard breed. This show is organized by the APA or American Poultry Association. Not only chickens are brought to this kind of affair but also other poultries like geese, ducks, turkeys, etc.

Production breed – are the kind of breeds that are used for mass production of eggs.

Pullet – a juvenile or young hen.

Roost – the time when chickens are resting on a pole to sleep. It is also what you call the actual pole where chickens use to perch.

Rooster – male chicken.

Roosting pole – a perch that is made out of wood. It can be constructed and put inside the coop.

Rumples – a kind of chicken breed that does not have feathers on their tails.

Run – an area connected to the coop where chickens can roam around freely.

Scratch – a treat made for chickens that are composed of different kinds of grains; this is the one that is scattered on the ground. It can also be referred to as the behavior chickens make wherein they use their claws to dig up either worms, bugs, rocks, and tiny little insects that are inside the ground.

Sexing – determining the sex of a chicken.

Sex link – a type of new chicken wherein the chicken’s sex is soon indicated even before the eggs hatch. Female of the sex link kind is known for producing eggs in a massive state.

Shanks – part of the chicken’s legs which can be seen at the bottom.

Sickles – what is called to the rooster’s tail feathers.

Spur – this is the protrusion that is seen on the shank of a rooster that used for fighting.

Started pullet – a hen that has started laying eggs but is only on a juvenile stage.

Starter feed – it’s the complete feed that is formulated and made especially for baby chicks.

Vent – part of the chicken where poop, eggs and other waste matters pass. It’s like the anus of humans.

Waterer – this is the trusty partner of the feeder which delivers and holds the water supply.

Wattles – it’s similar to a chicken’s crow but instead of being on top of the head, it’s found under the neck of the chicken. It’s composition is red and has rubber-like flaps.

Wheezer – in colloquial terms, it’s what they call a chicken’s butt.

Wormer – a kind of medicine that can treat or rid animals of parasites inside their intestines like worms.


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