Rain Gauge: What Does It Do

Your area may experience more rain than other locations where your family or friends live. If it is the case, it is probably normal routine for you to constantly encountering wet days and has never considered it as a hassle.

But if you can't get yourself getting used to the soaked experience of the rain, or it is not much fun not knowing when the rain would be heavy or light, you probably need a gadget that helps you tell how much water would drench your location. A rain gauge would be the perfect device you need at this specific application.

No, you don't have to worry as rain gauge can be purchased anytime by any ordinary individual like you. Though it is a weather instrument that is used for professional needs, basically by hydrologists, meteorologists, or other experts of any news or weather station, it is not available alone for such professional application.

For amateur levels, rain gauge can be purchased just about anywhere. It can be bought from specialty stores and - and even online. That is how much accessible this device already is to provide convenience to the questioning individuals who are concerned of how much amount of rain will continue to exist in a particular location.

What Does It Do?

Basically, the rain gauge is used to measure the liquid or its precipitation at a particular set of time. It is a simple yet very useful instrument not only to the weather makers but to the gardeners, harvesters, farmers, and other common folks.

It is typically made of three different parts, the cylindrical tube, outer container housing the tube, and the funnel placed atop the cylinder and the container.

When the rain falls, the liquid goes in through the funnel on the top. The liquid is collected into the cylindrical tube, which is marked with measurement lines in millimeters.

If the water collected in the cylinder overflows, the liquid will continue to the outer container. The final measurement of the rain water will be recorded after a set of time is finished. The overflowed water which was collected in the outer container will be emptied into another cylinder.

Adding both waters from both cylinders will give the final number of the rainfall. It depends on your location but the measurements can be converted into centimeters or inches if there is a lot of rainfall.

Basically, that is how rain gauge functions. But there are different rain gauge types available out there, including the wireless ones, so they may employ different methods. Others are a little more high-tech while some functions basic. However, they all work to accomplish similar goal.

Ideally, the rain gauge must be mounted on an elevated place or above the ground, say on a pole or rooftop. However, if the device is to be placed on the ground, it should be on any open area where no other objects like trees or plants potentially hindering the accuracy of the rain gauge.


The advent of the rain gauge is such a genius help to all individuals who need information which otherwise wouldn't be easily acquired with the absence of the said device. The rain gauge may be a small, simple device yet the thing that it can do creates a big change not only to the weather makers but to other sectors as well.


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