An Introduction To Rain Gauges

The term "gauge" may incur a myriad of meanings. There are several definitions that fit it. Hence, the meaning depends on its use. Generally, the name itself suggests an instrument that is used as a form of measurement. The features of the instrument refer to some quantity, dimension, and capacity for which it applies. It is in this light that a meaning is attached to the rain gauge.

What is the rain gauge?

The rain gauge is an instrument that is used to measure the amount of rainfall or precipitation over a particular period of time at a specific area. It is used as the ground for creating a precise reading in regard to the recorded data.

What is the use of the rain gauge?

The rain gauges are crucial instruments utilized in the study of the weather phenomenon. The meteorologists and hydrologists make use of these so that they will be able to examine and then gauge the exact level of precipitation or rainfall following a particular time frame. There are two major parts that compose the rain gauge. The first one is that wherein the rainfall or precipitation is collected. Meanwhile, the other is the one that measures the quantity of precipitation.

Furthermore, there are different forms of precipitation. It can be in the liquid form which is the rainwater or the solid forms which are the sleet, hail, or snow.

What are the varieties of rain gauges?

Again, these instruments come in different types. They are the weighing rain gauge, the standard rain gauge, and then the tipping bucket raining gauge. All of them present their own advantages and disadvantages yet they are one in terms of the goal of getting the best results. One more thing, these instruments must not be positioned in isolated or enclosed places such as near buildings, trees, tall objects, and other towering structures. If this happens, the results will be inaccurate.

The standard rain gauges refer to the graduated cylinders that come with the attached funnels. The graduated cylinder is positioned inside a bigger container that can accommodate any excess pouring. In this way, all of the rainwater gets collected.

Meanwhile, the weighing rain gauges feature the rotating drum, a pen, and some storage bin. It is the storage drum that collects any form of precipitation. The pen that is positioned below the drum records its weight.

The tipping bucket incorporates a large copper cylinder along with some levers, a funnel, and a recorder that is made up of a wheel and a pen. The levers are situated on an equilibrium which is like a scale. Whenever the explicit amount of precipitation has been reached, the lever then tips and sends the signal to the recorder. The pen moves either up or down as it records the lever movement together with the quantity of precipitation. Nowadays, a plastic container and a pivot comprise the modern tipping bucket rain gauges.

Why is the weighing rain gauge more advantageous than the tipping bucket?

The weighing rain gauge provides more accurate measurement in contrast with the tipping bucket. It is also capable of measuring the quantity or level of chemicals contained in the atmosphere. However, it can be quite costly and requires frequent maintenance.

Overall, whatever kind of rain gauge you prefer to use, what you should keep in mind is that it is able to achieve its purpose. That is, to gauge the amount of rainfall in your locale at a certain period of time.


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