Different Types Of Psoriasis

Most of the dermatologists find a hard time to diagnose Psoriasis because it almost the same with other skin diseases such as fungus, acne and other related form especially when psoriasis is still in the mild form. If you examine a small skin sample under the microscope you will eventually categorize if it is psoriasis or not and you can also identify them the type or form of psoriasis of a particular patient that includes the following:

Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris), skin lesions are covered by silvery scales and red at the base of about 1/8 or small part of your body will be infected. Removing this inflamed skin which bleed and slowly grow larger that will eventually develop a dry plaque. This form can also develop from cold weather, infection or stress. It can be started in the elbow, knees and lower backs.

Guttate psoriasis (comes from a Latin word “Gutta” which means “drop”), small, teardrop-shaped lesion appears on the limbs, trunk, and scalp and is mostly often triggered by upper respiratory infections (e.g.: a sore throat caused by streptococcal germs). Guttate psoriasis can be the early stage of psoriasis because mostly affects the children to young adults

Pustular psoriasis (also known as Von Zumbusch Pustular Psoriasis), blisters of noninfectious pus appear on the skin and can be triggered by medicine, contamination, constant worry, or close contact to certain chemicals. And this form of psoriasis can be a big treat also to our heart and kidney.

Inverse psoriasis, smooth, inflamed red patches occur in the folds of the skin near the genitals, under the breasts, or in the armpits and can be worsened by friction and sweating. Inverse psoriasis patients can be difficult to treat and can be nearly linked to breast cancer.

Erythrodermic psoriasis, widespread reddening and scaling of the skin may be a reaction to severe sunburn or to taking corticosteroids (cortisone) or other medications and can be caused by a prolonged period of increased activity of psoriasis that is poorly controlled. Erythordermic psoriasis can cover almost all over your body.

Psoriatic arthritis that produce symptom of arthritis in patient with inflammatory condition of stiff, tender and joints who have or will develop psoriasis. AIDS patients diagnosed as the higher risk in developing psoriatic arthritis. About 75% of the psoriatic arthritis patients suffer psoriasis in the nails. Psoriatic arthritis can be associated with SAPHO (Synovitis, Acne, Pustule eruptions, Hyperostosis, Osteolysis).

Seborrheic psoriasis, patches that appear as red scaly areas on your scalp such as behind the ears, above the shoulder blades, in the armpits or groin, or can be worse at the center of the face and also difficult to treat.

Nail psoriasis, a tiny white pits scattered in group across the nails (most common in the toenails) with yellowish spots. The nail bed peel away from the skin of the finger and dead skin can build up under the nail.

Scalp psoriasis, characterized by scale-capped plaques on the surface of the skull and at least half of every 100 patients of any form of psoriasis have this scalp psoriasis.

Whatever form of Psoriasis you have, it truly affects our beautiful life. It also affects most of our financial investments just to cure this not curable skin disease. But there are some reports that they have medications to treat Psoriasis of any form.


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