Promotional Pens – Today’s Ideal Ad Vehicle

Today, more than ever, it is important to upgrade one’s advertising efforts in the face of world-wide business difficulties. What makes this task doubly daunting is the fact that advertising costs are the first to get chopped off in such a situation. In this bare-bones business outlook, it is only natural that promotional pens rise up to become the near-perfect advertising vehicle.

For the smart businessman, the most important consideration is to advance your advertising efforts, and that is to push your company or your products out there. And since the world is in the midst of trying times, everybody is looking for the most cost-effective ways of doing exactly that.

Promotional pens, a tried and tested old advertising standby tactic, might just be the savior of the day.

The topmost reason goes back to costs. Pens used in promotions costs lower than you would expect. The surprise is that it can be extremely good-looking, unique, and exudes that professional touch to match your company or your product’s requirements.

In the slew of big and loud marketing campaigns by companies in the past, the traditional give-away promotions that were quietly successful on their own were usually crushed and forgotten.

When budget issues cropped up now and then in the past, the use of promotional pens as additional inexpensive advertising vehicles usually solved the dilemma. Aside from lower costs, everyone agreed it was extremely efficient as well in disseminating the particular advertising message of the company or that of the company’s product. Mostly, the brand recall value was surprisingly higher than expected.

Today, however, what used to be an added stop-gap measure now becomes a necessity. Companies NEED to find ways and means to lower all advertising costs in the most efficient of ways and yet still expect that the brand recall value they look for are accomplished.

To get your company or product’s message to the minds of your clients, the placement on the promotional pen can be designed in a most modern way. It can be just as eye-catching and impressive as it is on expensive billboards, minus the large chunk of cost. The savings are tremendous and yet the all-important brand recall is still achieved.

Understanding the present business climate and the demographics of your target market is of course an important consideration. Promotional pens had been proven to be the most universally-accepted message vehicle that spans across age groups, gender, and economic status of consumers.

Other advertising vehicles are too costly on the budget that sometimes advertisers do not consider them at all at present. Television commercials, for instance, are extremely expensive both in production and media placement costs.

Newspapers ad costs are definitely lower compared to that of TV, but print advertising is presently saddled with lower readerships caused not just by the present economic conditions but by the other media as well (Internet, radio, TV, outdoor, mobiles, etc.)

Radio is decidedly cheaper, but people would rather listen to continuous music from iPods and other personal music players than on radio with irritating commercial interruptions.

Today, hitching your advertising needs to a cheap but effective vehicle such as a promotional pen is not a totally bad idea. The costs are low, the brand recall is tops, and you know you are ahead of competition even in dire times such as these days.


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