Promotional Pen Ad Power

Sometime, somewhere, somebody gave you one that took your fancy: a beautiful pen with an eye-catching design, a short catchy ad line under a beautiful picture of the product. You lost no time in using it. Somehow, you did not want to part with it. You liked it. You keep on reading its message. You even bought the product you saw in it. You just had your first promotional pen.

Even in the early days of advertising, astute business professionals had long discovered the benefits of having pens custom-imprinted with their business names, logos and contact information. Business prospered, their companies were talked about, and more and more people discovered their company and eventually bought their products.

There was a time when names of banks, insurance companies, even restaurants were imprinted on promotional pens. Almost all kinds of businesses had their names and products imprinted on these cute writing devices that had everybody’s attention.

One of the early dictums of business is that advertising is the heart of every business. Once the company is in motion, there is a dire need to advertise that company’s product to make money.

The problem, however, is that advertising a business is expensive, period. Costs in tri-media advertising (TV/radio/print) had been escalating since they became popular in the 60s. When the other media ad vehicles (outdoor, mobiles, point-of-purchase posters, etc.) came in, costs still kept on going up.

Presently, promotional pens are one of the least expensive forms of advertising. It is also the more effective among the many other variants of giveaway marketing tactics. The ROI (return on investment) earned by promotional pens is considerable.

Promotional pens are perfect for companies with tight budgets. The main reason is that these advertising carriers are relatively cheap. They also double up as useful free gifts while presenting the company’s advertising taglines.

The pass-on values are also impressive. They can be with the client for months (even years) and continue reading the company’s ad all that time, or is passed-on to another person if it is lost or given to another. As soon as it is found by a new owner, the pen will be marketing your business and products all over again.

Other things to consider using promotional pens in your advertising efforts would be as follows:

* They are tangible, unlike useless paper flyers that do not have any value. They are also longer-lasting. A promotional pen’s lifetime lasts as long as it is being used.

* Pens made into novelty ones gives a lot of advertising punch for your products. They can attract additional users and admirers alike, and takes on a “second life”.
on its own.

* Promotional pens, especially those engraved sets, executive pens and other pen sets make up for very good, high-quality gifts by themselves as regular writing instruments.

The good news is that the clients would still know who gave them as gifts and may return the favor by patronizing your product.

In all counts, promotional pens are better advertising tools than traditional advertising vehicles or even compared to other types of promotional items. This is because pens are universal writing instruments used by everyone around the world.

Other promotional items – coffee mugs, lighters, ash trays – are individual-specific. For non-coffee lovers, mugs are useless. Ash trays and lighters are completely irrelevant to non-smokers. The primary aim of advertising is to reach as many potential customers as possible. If the promo item is group-specific, it cannot deliver that universal appeal of promotional pens.


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Promotional Pens Versus Other Ad Media
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Promotional Pen Ad Power
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