How to Review Your Copy

So you’ve written your web copy, and you’ve got it ready to review. You’re ready to post it online and you want to start selling your product and service. However, you are not sure if it is ready to go online – and you are not sure if you have the best copy that fully and accurately describes you, your product and service, and what you feel about it. It’s time to review it: but how?

First, you need to remember that you need to shed the skin of the writer and put on the fur of the reader. You, the Internet reader, are not interested in every single word of the copy: you need to get the information at one click, at one go, and get a lot of this information without having to go through every single word, but by looking quickly through the copy. In order to test this, you may need to have a few friends on hand. Skim the copy and see if you get the information immediately. Does the copy interest you at first glance? Don’t read into the sentences too much: see if the copy stands out and if it entices you to start at the beginning and read more.

Remember, a copy is your magic ticket to getting a casual reader to start reading your work and going through your website. It could well be your magic ticket turning that same casual reader into a buyer! So be careful with your review. Ask yourself: if I had only five minutes to spare, would I read this? Is it too long and daunting? Is it too short and careless? There’s nothing wrong with a moderately-sized copy: it shows that you have a lot to say, but you know your stuff well enough so that you don’t need a lot of flowery words to get your point across.

Do you have all your facts straight, and all of them written into your copy in a concise manner? This means that you need to deliver your key points through a single line or two, at the most, of text. If you keep on going for far longer, you may as well write a blog entry about your day and all your feelings: the longer you go, the easier it will be for you to lose your visitor.

Is the copy written with the right grammar and syntax? You might be surprised: people will communicate via text shortcuts on your local forum or mailing list, but they will demand that they be written to in proper English. The right grammar and syntax will also show how professional you are: if you can’t take care of something as basic as grammar, then how can your customers trust you to take care of their needs and wants? How can customers trust you to have a product or service that actually will help them?

Is the copy formatted well, with a lot of white space? White space will give your readers’ eyes some respite from the text, and it will actually invite people to read your copy. Moreover, avoid putting text in daunting, big seas of paragraphs: break these paragraphs down. Put text in narrow columns so that your customers do not strain their eyes. Not only should your copy be suited to match a certain professional tone, it should also have the appearance of being something that should be read at all.

These are only a few tips that you should remember when reviewing your copy. If you have a well-written copy, you will find it easier to get more customers and catch people’s attention.


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