Motivation And Productivity

Productivity and motivation are two mutually-related concepts, the latter fueling the former, while the former is the end result of the latter.

Basically, productivity is a performance measure to show how an organization can effectively convert its resources into its intended products (or services).

Relative measure

For all its many forms, productivity is a relative measure because it is used to compare the effectiveness of many entities. These can be countries, organizations, departments, or individuals.

From the perspective of a system, productivity shows how well an organization transforms its inputs into outputs. It is generally stated as a ratio of output to input in the area of manufacturing.

Multi-factor measure

Productivity can be expressed as partial measures, multifactor measures or total measures. Partial productivity is in terms of a single input. (These are units produced per worker, units per plant, or per hour, etc.)

Multifactor productivity measures show the utilization of multiple inputs (e.g., units of output per the sum of labor, capital, and energy or units of output per the sum of labor and materials). A total measure of productivity expresses the ratio of all outputs produced to all resources used.

Motivation productivity

This is related to how motivated a person is to perform a task (or activity). Worker enhancement programs are built on ways on how to motivate workers to optimize productivity.

Some organizations offer their workers sports and recreational activities, fitness and leisure activities and some family-oriented programs.

This comprehensive approach in enhancing worker performance may capitalize on quality measures like value, TQM (total quality management), quality circles, innovations and performance standards (profitability, efficiency, customer satisfaction, on-time delivery) and carries a wide range of personal and team rewards and incentives.


MRT (mutual reward theory) is an incentive program where the organization assists an employee to reach his or her goals. This is accomplished while sill meeting the company�s production goals.

The greatest rewards are achieved when the benefits are at an optimum for all persons. Usually, productivity is directly proportional to the degree of success of MRT.

Productivity growth

Productivity growth is the measure of the amount of goods and services produced within a specific time period. First, a standard is determined. Next, that standard (or benchmark) becomes the measure against which all future productions are to be measured against.

In a country, the annual growth rate is being watched. Productivity growth rate is directly proportional to a person�s wealth. If the levels of productivity rise, so does a person�s buying power. The total economy in turn benefits from the increase.

Most valuable resource

Most productivity researchers have agreed that the world�s most valuable resources are people. It had been suggested that education and training are responsible for raising the levels of productivity of people.

Researchers further suggested that attaining expertise via education and training can be maximized by developing people who want to learn, work at their potential, and continuously improve.


When an employee is motivated to take pride in his work, that employee adds value to the organization. He will contribute to the overall productivity for himself, his organization, and the economy at large.


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