How to Boost Effectiveness of Postcard Marketing CampaignsPostcards are effective in conveying message right to the appropriate and target audience. There is a unique appeal in postcards that could not be seen and observed in other marketing schemes. Take note that the initiative does not end in the design and production of postcards. You should observe many important ideas and procedures to make the effort really work. Here are several important and helpful techniques that could truly make any marketing postcard work all the more. Include a prepaid return postage. If you aim to solicit or collect information and addresses from the recipients, include a return postage at the back of the postcard. You could ask the reader to fill up the simple form you provided at the back of the postcard and mail it back to you, free of charge on his part. You could arrange for such a mail scheme with the post office or mailing authorities. The recipients should not spend any dime returning the postcard to you. They would not be likely to do it. Give important and particular attention to the kind of paper you use in printing the postcard. Color matters when it comes to postcard printing and production. It is advisable to prefer using pre-printed paper or neon-bright paper. As usual, photo-postcards are instantly gaining and attracting attention. Do not use inferior or unattractive paper. Many recipients judge postcards based on the quality of paper used. Provide plenty or enough space for the recipients to fill up with their names and addresses. Thus, there is a need to give particular attention to the layout. Do not get in to the temptation of finding out too much from the postcard recipients. Use incentives to entice or convince the postcard recipients to return reply and survey cards. You could offer gifts, discounts, or freebies to people who would send out or return the postcards back to you immediately. You would be surprised at how overwhelming the return rate could be after this initiative. Repeat marketing messages that are also found in the accompanying marketing materials. There is a need to emphasize especially if you are selling products or services. However, do not overdo it, as continuous repeating of messages could be very annoying. Just be interesting in a more fashionable way. Include the call to action. It is important to make sure the postcard is clear in telling people what you want them to do. You could appeal to them to buy your products and services or you could use persuasive appeals to reach out to more people. Be direct to the point and avoid being too boring and wordy. Comments |
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