Being Part Of A Postcard Club

With postcard collecting there is usually not a lot of socializing going on since this is normally a hobby you do alone. Although you can come into contact with other collectors at fairs it is often difficult to get much further than just saying hello and it takes a while for faces to become familiar. After all everyone is looking for that special card for their collection and chatting can waste valuable hunting time!

This can mean that collecting postcards is a rather solitary hobby and although it gets you out of the house it doesn't make you many friends. However this need not be the case. Many areas have their own postcard club and this offers you an ideal opportunity to not only learn more about the hobby but also to make some new friends.

I know the idea of going somewhere for the first time can be rather daunting, especially if you think everyone knows everyone else, and this is why choosing a meeting close to a holiday is a good idea. Generally the holiday meetings of any club will have some kind of festive theme even if it's only store bought cookies in the interval. If there is not a club in your area consider starting one. You could advertise it in your church bulletin or local paper and you just might be surprised to find out how many share your love for postcards.

Most club meetings will have one or two dealers whose stock you can look through at a far more leisurely pace than at a fair, where there are so many stalls to get round in a very limited time. Teas and coffees are also on offer and this allows plenty of time for a chat, this could mean the chance of meeting someone who shares your collecting interest and maybe the possibility of sharing information or even swapping cards.

The main event of the evening is generally a talk on a postcard related theme that is illustrated with cards from the speakers own card collection. Some clubs have other events such as auctions, short talks given by members, quiz nights and outings. They usually produce a newsletter that will be posted to you in advance of the next meeting letting you know about the forthcoming talk and which dealers have agreed to come. It is useful to remember that most collectors are as isolated in their collecting as you are and would also benefit from making new contacts. Most clubs welcome new members so take a deep breath and go and have some fun!

Remember you all have something in common postcard collecting!


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My Articles

Postcards And Genealogy
Prospecting With Postcards
How To Keep Your Cards
History Of Postcards... Early Era
Chrome Era -- 1939 To Present
Why Use A Postcard
Postcards From The Past
Wooden Postcards And Other Vintage Designs
What Makes A Postcard Valuable?
History Of Postcards-Middle Era
Value Of Real Photo Postcards
Early 4th Of July Postcards
Sought After Postcards
British Seaside Postcards
Postcards That Are Worth A Pretty Penny
Being Part Of A Postcard Club
History Of Erotic Postcards
New Year's Day Postcards
Picture Postcard Fascination
The History Of Easter Postcards
Postcards And Memories Of Traveling The USA
Unique Postcard Designs
History Description Of Vintage Postcards
Design Your Own Postcard

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