The Masse Technique

Masse is a term used to identify a technique in which the cue ball follows a curved path. It is used to make tight turns around interfering balls. Though a difficult shot to master, it can be quite useful in tournament play. The masse is an extremely complicated combination of physics that requires careful observation and lots of practice. This shot is not intended for the amateur player. You can cause severe damage to the surface of the table if the shot is not executed correctly. Tears and rips will occur and you will also damage the tips on your cue stick. It is not a recommended shot, but if you are able to master it, it will come in handy many times over especially for trick shooters, though you will be rolling the dice in the accuracy department.

With a masse shot, the angle of the cue ball path and shot speed play a huge role. If you do not have a good feel for the speed and the effects of table conditions, you will not be very successful with masse shots. To perform this shot, you will raise the butt of your cue so that it is almost perpendicular. Many players sit on the rail as they perform this type of shot. Looking down the shaft to the cue, you will aim your shot. You will be striking the cue ball on an outer surface causing the spin needed to curve around the object. The only way to truly perfect this shot is to try it over and over again. This could prove to be an expensive ordeal as you will be repairing your table quite often.

It is critical to have a stable bridge and an accurate stroke to be confident with the contact point on the cue ball. The type of cloth can and will have a big impact on masse action. A high-friction cloth can make it difficult to get a big curve because the initial impact with the table cloth can limit the action of the cue stick. Masse shot practice can be abusive to the table cloth, especially if you are still developing your technique. If you care about the table you are using to practice on, you should consider using a spare piece of cloth to limit the possible abuse and future repairs.

There are a variety of shots and techniques players use to navigate around interfering balls. Masse is one of the more common techniques, but I would recommend casual players and beginners to steer clear of it and try to focus on your regular game. The fancy stuff can come later once you have truly mastered the fundamentals of the game. Of course, it is every pool players dream to be the next well known trick shooter, but until you have a solid form and developed techniques, it's best to save the "pretty" shots for last.


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