The Essential Guide to Pocket PC

When you have a new device or gadget, you will often feel excited to use it. It’s just like when you were a child and your parents gave you a new toy. You feel overjoyed and you’re excited to play with it as soon as you’re home. In the case of Pocket PCs, the excitement is always there but some of the new owners of the mobile device are a bit disappointed when they encounter speed and stability issues.

If you don’t want to experience any problems in using your Pocket PC, make sure that you use a guide to maintain your device’s slickness. Just like in the case of registry tweaks or system, you have to backup some of your important files because you can never tell when something goes wrong. Use this guide so that you can use your new Pocket PC with ease:

• Disable the menu animation (Windows)

If you want to keep your Pocket PC zippy, try switching off the eye candies such as the animation. You can modify through a good registry editor. Change the ‘AniType’ value from 6 to 0. By doing so, menu animation is disabled. Some owners of Pocket PC may find this task a bit daunting and if you feel the same way, you can just use the RegKing freeware. This freeware will allow you to toggle the task easily and it also offers some tweaks.

• Increase the display cache

By increasing the glyph value, you can speed up the Pocket PC display. Remember that this step will consume a lot of system memory. You have to change the ‘limit’ value from the default 8192 to 16384 or 32768. By launching the registry editor, you can browse in order to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMMGDIGLYPHCACHE. Again, meddling with the registry may be unnerving to some and so you can just use the RegKing instead.

• Don’t minimize, close it.

By tapping on the ‘x’ (close button), the current program is simply minimized. If you frequently do this, the programs you’ve used earlier will continue running which takes up huge valuable memory. You can take advantage of task managers, particularly the freeware, so that you can manage the resources of your device much better.

• Remove the unused programs

The system performance gives importance to the processor speed and so there should be sufficient available memory. Pocket PCs function better if there is more available memory. If you still have programs installed that are not being used, uninstall them as soon as possible. You can do this by going to the Start/Settings/System/Remove Programs and then uninstall them.

• Keep your big files in storage cards

Don’t keep the big files in the main memory; instead, you can move them to storage cards. This task is simply because you just need to cut the files and then paste them to the storage cards. Move the data files only and not the executables because your programs might be broken.

• To free memory, install large programs into an external storage.

Again, whenever possible, large programs should be installed in memory cards or even in non-volatile memory so that the main memory is free to run programs.

You can follow these guides so that you can use your Pocket PC with ease. New owners of Pocket PCs will enjoy using their mobile devices more with the use of the guides.


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