The Specialty Areas of Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy helps your body regain its normal abilities and functions through a series of tests, assessments and sessions with a licensed physical therapist or their assistants. Such irregularities may be caused by natural aging process, how nature affects your stamina, sickness and accidents.

In most English speaking countries, this health profession is also being referred as physiotherapy. With proper guidance and regular attendance, this will help you maintain the maximum ability of your body depending on your age and on your condition. This way, you will be able to function the best you can despite the hurdles that you have been faced with or the mishaps that you have encountered that caused your current condition.

There are many types of PT depending on your case and the specialty of the professional whom you will be asking for help. To give you an idea, here are the more popular specialties of this field which are being practiced around the world.

1. Orthopaedic. The professionals specializing on this will be able to detect, manage and cure the disabilities that you may have on your musculoskeletal system. You can also turn to them after undergoing an orthopaedic surgery for rehabilitation. You will mostly find them on an out-patient clinical setting. This group was trained in dealing with post-operative methods, injuries related to sports, neck, shoulder and back pain, amputations, spinal disorders, to simple arthritis, strains and sprains.

2. Geriatric. Older people tend to find cure on this type. They know best what to do on related symptoms with aging and its various stages. The usual cases that are being referred to this type are osteoporosis, arthritis, incontinence, balance disorders, cancer, replacement of hip and joints as well as Alzheimer's disease. By undergoing a specialized program devoted to this, you will be able to restore your mobility, alleviate pain levels and boost your energy.

3. Cardiopulmonary. This focuses on people who have undergone pulmonary and cardiac surgery. You can also seek their services if you have disorders in relation with cardiopulmonary. Through the programs that you will be undergoing on this, your endurance will surely be increased and you will be able to function well and properly after the course duration. Through manual therapy, professionals will help your lung secretions to be cleared as experienced with cystic fibrosis. The usual cases that they treat are pulmonary fibrosis, heart attacks, chronic obstructive pulmonary ailment and coronary bypass surgery.

4. Neurological. This pertains to sickness in relation with neurologic conditions. This aims to help you in terms of recovering your strength, balance and regular movements as well as improve your vision and regain your speech. The usual conditions being referred to this type are multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ALS, Alzheimer's disease, cerebral palsy and brain injury.

5. Pediatric. This helps infants, children and adolescents. This deals with different developmental, congenital, skeletal, neuromuscular and other kinds of acquired diseases for this age range. By undergoing such phase, you will be able to improve motor skills, endurance, strength and coordination.

6. Integumentary. This can be trusted in helping you heal disorders and diseases that involve skin and its related organs. This includes major burns and other types of wounds.

You will find the suitable professional in the field of Physical Therapy depending on your condition. You just have to know where to look in order to succeed on this venture.


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