How Photoshop training makes dreams come true

If you can dream it, you can create it with Adobe Photoshop. Photographers and graphic designers around the world have shown what's possible with Photoshop-anything is possible. Photoshop is so flexible that professionals are continually discovering applications for the software that the developers at Adobe never imagined. Photoshop is so versatile and customizable that whatever field you work in, Photoshop training is one of the surest ways to achieve your full potential.

If you want to see how Photoshop training makes dreams come true, check out what film studios are doing with Adobe Photoshop software. Do an Internet search for "Photoshop" + film industry. I got almost three million hits for my Yahoo search. I clicked on the No. 1 entry. It was a current Craigslist ad posted by a Hollywood studio for a Photographer's Assistant / Photoshop assistant.

The studio needs an individual to photograph "tens of thousands" of movie props and prepare photos for the studio's web site. Skills and requirements: "must have" knowledge of digital equipment and experience preparing images for the Internet with Photoshop. The studio is looking for a self-starter, a good team player who knows how to follow directions. The candidate must be able to follow through on a long-term project without supervision when the chief photographer is absent. Full-time job with excellent pay and benefits.

Photoshop has practical applications for professionals in every career field and every area of interest imaginable. A movie project is where you can best see the full flexibility and power of Photoshop. Remember that film is just "moving pictures"-one photographic image projected after another onto a screen at a speed of 24 frames per second.

Each individual frame is a photographic composition in itself. Even to the untrained viewer, the visual effect of a painting or photographic image depends in large part on composition-the way the artist has captured and "composed" all the elements in the field. An image is attractive when the creator has skillfully combined elements into a pleasing whole. And when something seems to be wrong with a photograph or with a scene in a movie, what's wrong can often be traced to an error in composition.

One of the great things about Photoshop training is that it teaches you the fundamentals of composition and color-skills that will make you better at whatever you do on the Internet. There's a level of Photoshop training that's right for every user, from first-time user to experienced professional. If you've never used Photoshop, sign up for Photoshop training today and discover how the world's No. 1 digital editing and compositing software can help you take your career to the next level.

If you're already using Photoshop, find out how advanced training can teach you the skills and tricks that professionals use to create stunning images and visual effects. Photoshop training is one of the best investments you'll ever make in your career. It can even help you get your first job with a Hollywood studio.


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