How to Keep Your Pet Bird Alive

How much did you spend for your pet bird? You probably spent a few hundreds and if you don’t want to throw that money to waste, you have to learn how to keep your pet bird alive.

Feeding your pet bird is easy since you can buy pellets or seeds from the store. If you want to spice up their diet a bit, never give them chocolate, certain fruits and vegetables which have proven to be toxic.

Apart from food, your pet bird will also need water. If your pet bird is not hydrated properly, they will die. This can happen if the water bottle you placed in the cage is not working properly so this has to be checked regularly.

Birds need to have to wings clipped. This allows the bird to gracefully land prevent it from flying erratically.

You have probably heard that birds must never be kept near windows and drafts but have no idea why. Well, one good answer is to prevent the birds from inhaling toxic fumes which can if the bird is placed near the kitchen.

Aside from fumes coming from the kitchen, you can keep your bird alive if you do not smoke or use any household cleaning agents near them. Birds that happen to inhale them may soon experience irritation, a host of respiratory problems and death.

Birds require big cages so they can spread their wings while they are inside. This will also prevent them from bumping their heads on the sides which may cause an internal injury which you are not aware of.

Some bird owners have other pets inside the house. If you are like them, be sure that when they are out of the cage, you are always there. If it should be another bird, make sure that the two are locked up in separate cages since some species cannot coexist together.

Your pet bird needs to take a bath on a regular basis. You can do this by letting them wash themselves using a bowl or with a shower hose. When giving them a bath, never use soap or shampoo as this will damage their natural oil. Let them dry naturally or with a towel and never with a hair dryer as this can burn them.

Owners who want to bring their bird wherever you are going must never leave it in the car. This is because they could die due to excessive heat especially when the temperature is very humid.

Don’t forget to bring your pet bird to the vet for his or her regular checkup. If you sense that there is something wrong with your bird, bring them immediately over to the clinic for a closer examination because doing nothing just makes matters worse.

Lastly, never let your bird sleep outside the cage. There is no telling what can happen while you are asleep so instead of taking that risk, it is best to put them back inside and just see them again when you wake up in the morning.

Although you cannot always foresee what dangers lie in the future for your pet bird, it will be able to live for a long period of time as long as you know how to do it right. If you need help, consult with your veterinarian.


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