How to Hire a Personal Assistant

Are you overwhelmed by what you are doing at work? A lot of people do especially when they are executives. If this happens, the best thing to do will be to hire a personal assistant and here is how you do it.

First, you have to create a job description for the personal assistant. It must have the duties and responsibilities that you will require for someone in that position.

When you are finished with that, it is time to post your ad. Some people do this the old fashioned way by putting this in the newspaper. If the company has a website and it has a section on careers, it can also be posted there. Another way to attract applicants is to use a job site where you can post this by simply creating an account.

Applicants outside the company should be required to pass a letter of intent and their resume to a P.O. Box or forwards this to the company email.

If you don’t want to hire from the outside yet, put this in the office bulletin board so anyone who wants to shift from their present positions may do so by simply informing the human resource department.

After you have collected a list of candidates, it is time to consider which applicants to interview. This should be based on their work experience but it wouldn’t hurt to also interview some fresh grads, college students and retirees. Graduates or those studying are very enthusiastic while those who want to join the workforce once again bring with them the maturity for the role.

The next step is to give each candidate a call and tell them they are scheduled for an interview and exam. Those who pass the initial screening will then move on to the next stage until there are about 5 to 10 candidates left to choose from which you will interview yourself.

During the interview, try to get a feel of this person. Can you see yourself working well with this person? If the answer is yes, you can discuss other things in more detail like how much they will be paid, what are the work hours and what benefits they will be getting.

If they are really interested, give them one last exam preferably one that will evaluate their computer skills. Naturally the ideal candidate should know how to use a computer because there will be instances wherein you need them to type a report or work on a special project and have this given to you in a short period of time.

Should this satisfy you, then its time to say, “You’re hired.” During the first three months, think of this as a trial period and evaluate well their performance. If they do well, then there shouldn’t be any problems.

If things are not working out, you better look for a replacement already without letting go of your current assistant. That way, this person will be able to turn over everything you make the announcement that you are letting him or her go.

Hiring a personal assistant is easy but it just takes time to find the right person for the job. If you are patient, it won’t be long before someone qualifies come along that could be within the company or from the outside.


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