Using Your PDA As A Journal

In some cases, although the PDA has several different uses, people often get them simply for the use of having a digitalized journal. This is a good concept in the fact that PDA's have the ability to let you create a password denying anyone who does not know the password access. The journals you would buy at the store in reality have locks on them but these locks ultimately can be broken into.

The PDA has memory that can hold several journal entries depending on their length. And if this is the only use for the PDA, it will probably be useful as a journal for quite a long time. People can either use the word pad program or notepad program that is already installed on the PDA when you purchase it.

Using a PDA for a journal prohibits others from knowing what you have typed. Or written using the stylus and the touch screen. It is a very private way of keeping or making notes of your days events or other things on your mind. There are those who feel a better sense of security by using a PDA as a journal. While some people, think it is a waste, considering all the capabilities a PDA actually has to offer. But in all fairness, it depends on the one that owns the PDA doesn't it?

Personally, I think journals kept on PDA's are a good form of privacy as well as being able to not "lose" the journal. People are more apt to lose a book style journal than a PDA that has their journal on it. Personal use of a PDA is up to the individual and not those around them. In many cases, a journal can be rather lengthy on a PDA without scarcely using space, where as with book style journals you tend to run out of pages faster. And even if your memory did start to fill up, the journal entries could be saved. They don't have to be saved on a desktop style computer for everyone to access. Remember PDA's have slots for memory card use. All the person has to do is place some of the journal entries onto the memory card and put it in a safe place. It is that simple. Then, continue on using the PDA as their journal.

Using the PDA as a journal is effective if you do not want others to have any type of access to your journal. This is truly a private means of keeping your thoughts safe and of course private. Journals are often considered the inter most private thoughts of an individual. And these thoughts deserve to be protected. With the use of a PDA, it makes it virtually impossible for anyone to see your journal after a password is set. In some cases even the individual forgets the password and has to think about it.

However if the PDA is reset the password in most cases stays in effect and will not let anyone who doesn't know the password access to those files.


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