Using PDA's As A Learning Tool

Some high schools across the United States have implemented the use of PDA's into their learning system. This allows students not only to learn the use of a PDA but also allows them to keep up with their homework assignments, take notes and use programs that are installed on the PDA. Some of these learning programs might be word processing, excel projects, as well as the use of a dictionary that is usually installed on the PDA.

Some of the PDA's come with encyclopedia software, and informative software, teachers use as simple learning tools and aids.
By using the PDA as a learning tool the students are able to also save information and later put it on their Desktop computers for future reference. In some instances, students have chosen to actually record a teacher while giving a lesson.

The ideas for the PDA are actually and ultimately endless. More newer versions are being produced, and some with even better capabilities and accessories. However, a lot of the newer versions that have more capabilities use the same software as the older versions, therefore the new PDA's are somewhat like upgrading your desktop computer. So, you don't have to run out and simply buy the latest version of a PDA because you don't think you have what you need on the PDA you already have.

Often times the PDA's that are used in classes are using programs that have been installed on the earliest versions. And the PDA believe it or not has been around and produced since 1992. They became popular as people realized all the different tasks that could be done on them. This is another reason they are slowly being integrated into high schools in certain areas. In fact, some publishers have begun an interest in creating e-books that are the actual textbooks for higher level educational institutes, such as colleges and vocational schools.

Having the opportunity or the advantage rather; to synchronize an e-book textbook to your desktop computer or vise versa can be very useful to a college student taking several different courses at the same time. Some colleges have already introduced the PDA into their classroom as part of their assignment keeping. Literature and other project fields where the college student has more than a few weeks to prepare. The PDA has a task manager that keeps the student aware of the exact date the assignment being due was set. The college professors especially like this because the students therefore have no excuse saying they lost the paper telling them when the deadline for the assignment was due. The PDA is also used for the notes on the paper and can perform many useful tasks for the college student too.

In some cases, the dictionary, Microsoft word, power point and other programs that are even the most basic PDA's are a lot of what college students use as part of their studies. Some can even do their work on a desktop computer then load it to the PDA. After this all they have to do is take it to the library and in some cases by using the storage card from the PDA, print their essays and assignments that are due off, having them ready to be turned in.


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