Teenagers Using PDA's

Now you see more teenagers using the PDA's. This is of course considered a good thing as long as they don't have access to the internet or if they do they are responsible and don't do things that aren't appropriate. Teenagers can use PDA's for calculation conversions and other assignments. They can also keep track of assignments and dates they have to be finished.

Teenagers of course have friends, so they can keep track of phone numbers and email addresses too. Additionally they can organize the data on their PDA letting them also keep track of their friends' birthdays' and other events. Some teenagers start spreadsheets of scores for sports. While still others use the PDA for things such as when movies are going to be playing theatres, or days when school will not be in session. Like spring break, or their Christmas vacation time.

Some teachers allow their teenage students to have PDA's in class because of programs that can be installed on the PDA. Some programs might include dictionaries, calculators, maps, and so forth. Also, a PDA allows a student to take notes as well. Teachers usually don't have a problem with their teenage students having PDA's in class if they are being used properly. In some cases, PDA's have been banned from certain classes for certain periods of time simply because of testing periods.

With the use of the PDA infrared beam it is to easy and to tempting for the teenage students to cheat or to get answers from their friends in the room. Depending on what style of PDA a teenage has and the features it has, may have an impact on whether or not it is allowed in class as well. Most of the PDA's allowed in classrooms with teenagers are the standard basic type PDA's.

Used for organization, taking notes, setting assignment due dates, and additional tasks that might be useful for the teenagers education. This is the only reason PDA's would be allowed in classes. And, usually at the beginning of the school year, a teacher will notify parents whether or not PDA's can be used at different times in the classroom, however, they will also let parents know that the misuse of PDA's in the classroom will initially end with the PDA being taken away from the student and the parent must retrieve it from the teacher.

Normally, teenagers will respect PDA's and realist they are an important asset for their learning, or that they could be an important aspect for their learning. And so the teenager won't abuse the right of owning a PDA. They also know that the sole purpose of having a PDA is to keep their schedule, school notes, and other things on their calendars at a much easier form of access.

I don't believe preteens should however have PDA's because there are a lot of responsibilities that do go along with owning a PDA, such as not losing it and many different unfortunate instances. This of course would depend on the parent and how he or she feels about their preteens maturity level. As to whether the preteen should have a PDA or not.


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