Delicious Party Favors

Seldom do people realize that food can be a special party favors they can give out during occasions. When talking about "handmade" items, foods are probably among the top choices this is because there is no way to prepare them but to use one's hands. Come special seasons such as parties, this is the top handmade gift choice to many people since these are potential staple items on the table.

Although it is still months before a party that you are about to prepare, it’s never too early to think of the food items you can give out as party favors. As early as now, you can look for special sweets, tarts, candies, breads and bottled treasures in specialty stores or you can start learning how to make special homemade cookies that you can give to your spouse, friends, relatives, teachers, clients, associates or officemates when they attend your party.

Possible food ideas or items that you can give out as party favors include boxes of chocolates in various shapes, a selection of fruits, different arrangements of fruit baskets, traditional hampers that contain specialty foods and sweets such as breads and tarts in different shapes and sizes, and bottles of wine like sauvignon blanc dry white wine.

Delectable treats

If you want the party favors that you are about to give, choose more personalized or intimate that you can customize. Variations for food party favors include variations such as Wine and Gourmet food basket that contain gourmet pepper and poppy crackers, pacific smoked salmon with gourmet cheese spread with wine or a Sesame Crackers food gift which include a selection of garlic and cheese mix and chocolate drizzled almond biscotti and dark chocolate mint sticks with gourmet holiday coffee or bottle of chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon.

But, among the so-many possible food items ideal as party favors, cookies—in different shapes, flavors, and sizes—are always on top of the list. Here are some of the cookie basics you need to know before giving out as a party favor:

- Choose your recipients' favorite cookies. Knowing your recipients' favorite cookies will make it easier for you to buy or prepare your party favor. If not, opt for standard cookies favorites such as fresh ginger cookies, fruitcake cookies, holly cookies, and chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies.

- Make the presentation attractive. Be creative in packing your cookies by embossing it with ceramic, metal, or plastic stamps or molds or by adding special add-ons to the finished product such as colored sugar, finely chopped nuts, or colorful sprinkles. Make that you decorate the outside of your cookie container with distinctive labels, unique cards, and colorful stickers or wrapping paper.

- Maximize your effort. In making this handmade items as a party favor, try to give all you've got. If you are baking the cookies all by yourself, make sure that you prepare to bake a large selection of cookies by freezing several rounds of this dough in advance to achieve best output and best taste.


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