The Fire Power of the Paintball

Do you think that having a disciplined and organized team, the right combat strategies, and speed can make you a winner in paintball? Well, these factors are vital but without the right fire power, you can’t be among the best players of the team. In this regard, you will need to purchase the best paintball gun that you can find.

When making a paintball gun purchase, you need to examine the guns carefully. The firing system of each paintball gun differs from one another. Some guns use mechanical firing systems while other guns use electro-pneumatic, or gas. You need to know the difference between these firing systems.

Mechanical Firing System

This is also called spring type firing system. The paintball guns included in this system fire single shots only. If you’re using this type of firing system, it’s a good idea to use blowback systems so that the gun is cocked automatically for the next shot.

This firing system has a velocity of 200-275 ft/sec. Some players may not be satisfied with this firing system but it’s a good thing to know that this shot can also hurt your opponents when you aim the shot directly at them.


Guns employing this type of firing system have onboard batteries. The batteries are responsible for providing electrical power to move the gun’s gears. You can make succeeding shots with this type of gun because it is capable of creating multiple shots.

In just a minute, you can fire about 300 to 900 rounds of paintball. Velocities of this type of firing system also range from 200-400 ft/sec and it’s no surprise if you can hear your opponent squirming once you hit them.

Gas Powered Guns

The paintballs are fired using pressurized gases like HFC134a (refrigerant) and propane. The guns allow players to choose between two modes of firing – auto and semi automatic. This gun also makes use of blowback systems wherein the gun is re-cocked for the next round of fire.

You must always consider your budget and the type of games you play before choosing a paintball gun. Aside from that, you also need to consider the configurations of the gun, styles and designs.

If you like pistols, you still need to choose among fully automatic and semi automatic guns. The pistol is usually a player’s back-up weapon just in case the main gun malfunctions. Main firearms are also available in automatic and semi auto. You can use this main firearm for making assaults and for attacking the home base of your opponents.

How much are you planning to spend for the paintball guns? Inexpensive guns cost about $100 but the complicated guns can reach as high as $1,000 or more. with the right kind of gun in your arms, you can play confidently and without any inhibitions. It’s like engaging in a real war game.

And of course, don’t forget to consider the gun’s fire power. You can find single shot and multiple shot guns. The velocity also varies depending on the fire power. If you want to hit your opponent hard, you can choose the electro-pneumatic paintball guns. For those with limited resources, they can simply get the mechanical guns.

There are different things to consider when purchasing a paintball gun and the fire power is one of the most important factors to consider.


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