Blarry House Research is the website for Blarry House Research, located in San Francisco. This company is an online survey company that conducts its research through focus groups, rather than questionnaires. The focus groups meet either on the internet or by telephone. Participants are asked to give their candid responses about their professions, hobbies and even breakfast cereals. The focus group is comprised of people from similar backgrounds or use the same products (for example, everyone who likes Captain Crunch cereal). is open only to United States residents older than age 13. This is yet another way for your teenager to earn money; however only one person in the family can participate in each focus group. You can, as an adult, sign up for the site and have your teenager participate in a particular focus group, so even though you have one account, other members of the family can participate.

Payment for participation in a focus group ranges from $40 to $150. This is a nice survey company to join, the pay is good, although the focus groups generally take about an hour of your time. The company is based in California, so if you are planning on participating in a teleconference forum, you should have unlimited long distance service on your phone; otherwise you may end up paying more for the call than you earn in the survey.

The only drawback to participating in this site is that you can't expect to participate on a weekly basis. But the more you answer "yes" to the general questionnaire you complete upon joining the site makes you eligible for more focus group participation. Payment is sent to your home in the form of a check.

There are many positive aspects about joining this site, besides the money. will never try to sell you anything. Since joining, I've received only a few e-mails and participated in one focus group, which was via internet. I have not yet participated in a teleconference. The internet focus group was conducted as a "chat session" and was quite painless.

In addition to not trying to sell you anything or spamming your inbox, maintains your privacy and will not sell your information to those who do want to sell you something. This cuts down considerably on unwanted telemarketing calls. is very similar to survey groups I participated in years ago, before the advent of the Internet. A panel of people who fit the criteria is selected and they give their views about a different product or service. Yes, the chat session or teleconference is lengthy, but pays well. They also cater to people who work outside the home during the day as most of the focus groups meet in the evening; however, if you live on the East coast, you have to account for the three hour time difference.

I truly enjoy being a member of this survey company. It's honest, professional and pays a decent amount of money to individuals for their time. Best of all, you are not limited as to how many focus groups in which you can participate.

If you are looking for a legitimate way to earn a few extra dollars (you aren't going to retire on the money you earn from this site), and enjoy giving your opinion in front of other people, this site is for you.


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