Organization Tips: Your Cabinet

Your cabinet should always be checked. You might not be fully aware of it, but it may already be unnecessary full. For sure, you keep on buying clothes and accessories. When you go out to the mall or somewhere, you might not resist the temptation to buy new clothes. In many cases, you may be hesitant to throw away some old clothes you have for practical purposes. You could recycle clothes or wear old ones out of the blue. If you are heeding most organization tips spreading across all media, you should always prioritize your own clothes cabinet and drawers when performing a major de-cluttering initiative at home.

How to organize your cabinet? Open it up. Look at how clothes are arranged and hanged up. Do you think the cabinet is getting too piled up and congested? Is there not enough space to accommodate several new clothes anymore? Do you think that most of the clothes are not useful anymore? If you are on the affirmative, you surely need to de-clutter and clear your own cabinet from old and non-useful clothes. You have to let go of those items that could not fit you anymore. Do not take a second thought in doing so. Free up more space so that you could start to accommodate many new ones.

Arrange all the clothes in the cabinet. It would be best if you would properly and systematically sort out all the items in it. For example, all turtle-neck shirts should come together. Underwear and under garments should be grouped together. Formal clothes and casual wear should be properly hanged. Clothes should be properly and cleanly pressed and folded before being stored inside the cabinet. If not, do not be surprised if it gets too clogged up and messy. Always use fabric softener to make sure all the clothes in the cabinet are fresh smelling.

Invest in hangers. Hang clothes that need to be hung after pressing. Hanging could be a good strategy to save some space in your cabinet. Do not hand used or dirty clothes. Designate a laundry basket to accommodate all your used and dirty clothes and items instead of mixing them up with other items in the cabinet. Arrange clothes properly. Do not mix undergarments with shirts and pants. Pay particular attention to socks as they may easily be misplaced.

You may keep two or more cabinets in your room. It would be best if you could keep only one, which is huge enough to store and accommodate all your clothes. Be strict. Cabinets should only contain clothes, not other materials and items like toys, books, CDs, and all your other personal possessions. Some people just could not overcome this practice. As many organization tips advise, it would help you avoid cluttering and incurring mess and disorderliness if you mix up clothes with other items.

Cabinets are for clothes. You may assign other cabinets for some other things and items you may possess at the same time.


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