Organization Tips: Storing Books

Books are very useful. For many times, they have been used to store and convey knowledge from one generation to the next. Reading books has always been among the most useful and ideal hobbies of people from all around the world. Not even the emergence and popularity of the Internet has affected how people collect books for references or hobbies. Now, it is surprising how many households and individuals still buy and keep books. If you have lots of books at home, here are practical organization tips that could help maintain orderliness of the home.

Invest in a book shelf. If you have too many books in your collection and if you keep on collecting and buying more, it would be ideal if you would have your own book shelf. You do not have to completely fill out the shelf. But since you keep on buying new books occasionally, you have to make sure your future books would have a good place to store in. arrange all your books appropriately and systematically at the shelf.

To organize and arrange books in a systematic order, adapt the system used by conventional libraries. You could put codes and numbers at the books’ spines for orderly filing and tracking of the items. You could list down all your books so you could keep track of the number and of titles. Sort out the books according to its subject or field. This is to make sure like would beget like. If you want, you could arrange the books according to subjects. You could also put books in the shelf according to author name, which could be alphabetically arranged.

Have all the books stand in the shelf. When arranging books in the shelf, make sure all books are standing and are arranged in a uniform direction. Arrange books systematically. New acquisitions should be properly and appropriately classified and sorted. When taking out books from the shelf, make sure you remember where you have taken the book out from so that you could return it on the same spot. This is a strategy that could help you avoid messing up the systematic arrangement of your book shelf.

You may opt not to put magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals at the book shelf. Instead, you could have them placed in a separate box or case. They should not be mixed or combined with books. Make sure the shelf only contains books, not any other reading or reference materials.

Keep on dusting off the book shelf. Whether you like it or not, dust would accumulate and cover your books. You do not need to make dusting off a daily chore. You could do it regularly, perhaps once a week. Many organization tips have it that books should be covered by plastic. You may not opt to do so, but make sure you handle all your books carefully and with proper respect. You should always give importance to every books contained in your own shelf, whether they are helpful or not.

If you think some books are truly useless, decide to throw some away. You could also donate them to other people or some public libraries where such books would take a greater use and purpose.


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