Paying Your Way Through Your Online College DegreeThere are different ways or sources to pay for your online education. You could start with your personal savings, but if it is not sufficient, here are other possible sources of funds: • Loans from family or friends. What’s good about borrowing money from friends or relatives is that they would be able to understand your financial situation. However, it is important to remember that a loan is a loan even though you borrowed it from friends or family members. • Another option is by paying them through low-interest credit cards. Although paying it with credit card could actually be higher that making a loan, credit card payment would enable you to earn point rewards and other incentives. • Federal loans for education can be checked with the U.S. Department of Education. They would provide information about who is eligible and what are the provisions who would like to apply for the federal loan or aid. • Private loans are another way of securing payment for your tuition. They may have higher interest rates compared with federal loans, but tends to be lower compared to credit card interest rates. • Employers sometimes offer financial assistance. Of course, there is no standard amount, every company would have its different provision. You could ask this information from the human resources department since this kind of benefit is not usually announced or promoted by the company. If you are after employer assistance, then they would probably require you to take a job-related course. Sometimes they would reimburse about 80% of your tuition. But make sure to get accurate and up-to-date information from your human resources department. • Veteran benefits may also be used to guarantee payment for your online course. These are financial assistance programs outside of the school. However, online colleges would also offer financial aid to encourage students to continue with their education. • Inquire about the online college’s payment plan. Usually they would have payment plans that would allow students to pay along the way. They would divide the total college fee into monthly installments. • Aside from the payment plan, online school would also provide information about grants like Pell Grant. This is granted by the federal government to assist on students who are not capable of paying online educational fees. There are different websites on how students could apply for this grant. • If you would like to apply for a federal loan, you could also check with the online college. Usually, the online college or university would have available federal grants or loans available like the Stafford Loans. There are numerous financial assistance programs that could help those who are interested to study online college degrees. This just proves that financial difficulties should never be seen as a reason for not continuing your education. Comments |
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