The Problem with Natural Insecticide

There's an unfortunate belief that anything natural must be good for you. Being "good for you" is interpreted as being safe. So, one problem with natural insecticide is that not enough precaution is taken around small children and pets. Other insects that are helpful in the area can be harmed by the use of insecticides, whether they are natural or not. Even if you only spray the pests, the residue or fumes can cause harm. The consumption of the insects that were pests can be bad for the ones that aren't.

People use more natural products with false security. There are many natural products that can cause problems if they are used improperly, to excess, or when mixed with other things.

Take medicines, for example. Herbal medicines are created from natural plant sources. They can be dangerous and will do more harm than good if used carelessly or without proper knowledge of the effects of the herb and the correct dosages. So it is with natural insecticides. Just because it's called 'natural', many people mistakenly believe it's non-toxic. The problem is the word 'natural', yet it must be used to describe and differentiate.

Take nicotine, for another example. It's a natural extract of the tobacco plant. In pure form, it's highly toxic to mammals. Yet, it's used to control insects near plant harvest time. The warm weather increases its effectiveness, yet it quickly degrades. Nicotine with cigarettes is a well-known, proven cause of lung disease. It's sold as a liquid concentrate for use against insect pests on vegetables and fruit.

Still another problem with natural insecticides is that for many of them to be effective, they must be sued more often than poisons. The best bet is to combine insect control techniques so that insecticides of any kind are only needed sparingly.

Just because an insecticide is safe for your plant doesn't mean it's safe for you or your animals. Some people have used pepper derivatives to fight against ants. If you've ever cleaned hot peppers with your bare fingers, then touched your eyes without thinking, you know just how painful the pepper residue can be. In strong concentrations, they can cause blisters to sensitive areas, cuts, or in the eyes or mouth. It would cause a big problem if you forgot to wash your hands and got the juice on your baby's bottle nipple or in their eyes.

Rain or automatic sprinklers can dilute the effectiveness of natural insecticides. The problem lies in having to reapply them before you are ready. If you don't have enough on hand, it will take longer for them to help you control the insects.

Many problems can be eliminated simply by taking the time to understand exactly what you're dealing with. The insecticide can work for you or against you. What good are natural insecticides if you fail to use them properly? Taking a chance can be hazardous for you, your animals, your children, other insects, birds, and your plants. As the football coaches say, "The best defense is a good offense."


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