Helpful Information about Natural Insecticides

Did you know hot sauce mixed with garlic and water can chase away those annoying caterpillars who have been feeding on your precious plants? You may appreciate butterflies, but not their babies. So, maybe you just want them to relocate to another area. Many natural insecticides are used as repellants rather than as a way to kill insects.

Spider mites hate the mixture of hydrated lime (1/4 c.) and water (add a small drop of soap to help it stick). Be careful not to use too much or the lime could hurt your plants.

Tomato leaves mixed with water can repel insects. Soaps are used in several different types of mixtures. But soaps are washed away with rain or automatic sprinklers.

If you choose to use nicotine, be aware that it can be deadly as a concentrate to more than just those pesky aphids. It's not only dangerous as harmful cigarette smoke, but it can be beneficial if used properly on plants. For us, the concentrates can cause convulsions and death. So, don't let that toddler grab your supply by accident. It's usually mixed with sulphur and is not recommended for use on edible plants.

Horticulture oils suffocate insects by covering them with an oily film. If that sounds barbaric, just think of the damage that can be done to crops and gardens and even humans by an overpopulation of insect pests. Insect pests can spread diseases and famine.

Homemade sprays can be a great economical alternative to bought sprays. You must know how to adequately measure, store, and use them even if they are homemade and seemingly harmless.

Of course, you can try tricks to rid your problem areas of insects. Like the ants that want to crawl into your hummingbird water. Maybe it doesn't bother the birds, but if it bothers you, you could be imaginative and not have to use any pesticide that may endanger your tiny visiting birds. But tricks aren't always enough. Sometimes you need to use more than one method to keep insect populations under control.

While you don't have to be scared of insects, you do have to be sensible to keep from becoming overrun with them. You should also be a responsible parent and teach your children how to safely combat insects. What your children learn can benefit the next generation. It helps to encourage their interests while they are young and willing to absorb what their parents have to say. Even if they seem to totally ignore all you've taught them as teenagers, they will many times come back to their senses as they grow older. One day, they'll be sharing their insecticide information with their own children or grandchildren.

Teaching about the safe use of insecticides and natural insecticides is the gift that keeps on giving. Your child may want to use this information to obtain a career later in life that revolves around insects, gardening, farming, or science. Nature will thank you for your contribution by continuing to thrive because of your responsible actions.


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