Tips When Moving Overseas to the UK

Moving overseas can be such a hard thing to do. This is especially true if you are moving to a country where the whole culture is different from yours. If you are thinking about moving overseas to the UK, you need to know a few things. This article discusses one of the things you may experience when moving overseas to the UK: culture shock.

Most people would think that moving from the United States to the UK would be no big deal. After all, they do speak English there, right? Because of this thinking, however, many people experience the terrible effects of culture shock once they get to the UK.

Let us first talk about the language. Many people think that moving to the UK would mean very little difference in terms of language. However, not many people know that in the UK, different words mean different things.

Let’s take the classic example of the potato snack: a chip in the US is called a crisp in the UK; a fry in the US is a chip in the UK. See how confusing things can be? Because of this, you need to really read up on the various use of words in the Queen’s English. You need to learn not only the use of words formally, but you should also learn about the use of words informally. You need to learn how to interpret statements within the context of a situation.

Of course, moving overseas to the UK is hard enough without having to learn a whole new way of using language. Be assured, however, that with long-term exposure to English people, you will soon learn to adjust yourself to the language. Who knows, with enough time, you might even get an accent!

Another thing that causes culture shock in people moving overseas to the UK is the fact that the laws there are quite different. Let’s take driving, for example. When Americans move overseas to the UK, they often need some time to adjust to driving on the left side of the road. This can be quite shocking for some at first and they may need a lot of time before they accept the fact that driving on the left is the right way of driving.

It is often the case that people who grow up doing things certain ways think of those ways as being the right ways. The most common cause of culture shock is the fact that people who move expect everything to be absolute.

Sure, in the United States you did celebrate thanksgiving. However, you need to realize that moving overseas to the UK does not involve taking the holiday with you. There are no absolutes when it comes to culture. People need to realize that moving overseas to the UK means embracing the culture of another country.

Another reason why people become culture shocked is not enough preparation. From the beginning, they should understand that the UK is a whole lot different from the US. Because of this, they should realize that certain adjustments have to be made. Moving overseas to the UK involves a lot of preparation and sacrifice.

Moving overseas to the UK can be a pretty hard ordeal. But if you keep an open mind and think of it as a whole new adventure, you will do just fine.


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