Cellular Phones For Mobile Computing Solutions

Cellular phones were not a necessity until a few decades ago. Only few people around the world own the bulky and big mobile phones, which have networks with limited coverage and average reception. Today, you will see everyone with their own cellular phones. The cell phones of the early days and the newer models of today have basically the same function, to receive and make calls. But the thing is flashy, sophisticated advancement of cellular technology progressed in so short a time that cellular phones are now one of the most used devices for mobile computing.

What does it mean? It means that the newer cellular phone models are now capable of getting access or connected to the wireless world of the internet. Added to that is using your phones anywhere will get you connected wirelessly. This is because most of the newer phone models are now packed with full navigational and computing features, most of which were what laptops, Pocket PCs and personal digital assistants can provide to the user.

The rise of cellular phones' technology has obviously impacted the lives of the majority. Everywhere around the world, smart phones with wireless capabilities are the addiction not only by the younger but even the older generations. So, what are the reasons of this addiction? Take a look at the following mobile computing technology for the cellular phones.

Wi-Fi Enabled Cellular Phones

The Wi-Fi cell phones enable you to seamlessly connect and not get dropped easily off the network. This is the problem that older cell phones used to experience especially when the user is making the connection in a location where there is a limited repeater's range or some structures block the network's radio frequencies. Now, there are many Wi-Fi hotspots which wi-fi enabled cellular phone users can get connected automatically.

Global Positioning System- or GPS-Enabled Cellular Phones

Wireless companies have been offering GPS navigation technology, which has the capability to give you verbal directions in answer to the address entered into your handset. This technology has vast benefits both for personal and business uses with tracking locations are concerned.

The Personal Handyphone

There are cellular phones now that can function as both landline and wireless device. This is particularly available in Asia and comes as portable wireless telephone, looks like a cordless device. Developed in Japan, the device has the capability to fax, handle voice and video signals.

The Screaming Cellular Phone

Cellular phones that have this capability allows the user to set it to a "screaming technology" handset, which gives out a human scream noise and particularly helpful when the device is being stolen or lost. A kill switch is operated, wherein as the noise begins, the handset becomes inoperable while stored data is erased. The technology does not guarantee return or stop the act of theft itself; however, sensitive and confidential data stored in the handset will be prevented from getting into the hands of the delinquent.

The Breathalyzer-Enabled Handsets

There is a built-in ethyl alcohol vapor in the cellular phone. It is a wireless device that is particularly used by the Koreans and is ideal to business individuals and college groups. It is introduced with the entertainment feature being able to save live because of the capability to allow one to learn if they've had one too many to drink.

All these highly-advanced cellular phone devices are truly incredible technology that impacted the daily lifestyle of the majority of the population. The mobile computing capabilities that they impose on one's life make it extremely overly functional, efficient and sophisticated that many can now never live without.


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