Mineral Makeup History

Mineral makeup did not just appear out of nowhere or is just a recent discovery. Although, mineral makeup is still not mass produced, it is increasingly getting popular among women. Since most people nowadays are paying more attention to their chemical intake and its effects on the body, there is now a trend on healthy lifestyle.

Actually, the use of minerals can be traced back into the time of ancient Egyptians. Egyptians take pride on their appearance. For them to be close to their gods, they need to be beautiful.

What kind of mineral do they use for their makeup?

Their eye makeup was mostly consisted of malachite, green ore of copper and kohl. Galena is also used for the eyes. This eye makeup also served as eye protectors from the hot and reflective rays of the sun in the desert. Their red lips would come from the red ochre. The same minerals are used for giving color to the cheeks. Each mineral used would come from a different place. Malachite came from the Nile valley, while galena would come from upper Egypt and the Red Sea.

Early Egyptians also believed that makeup is not only means of attaining higher spirituality, they are also used for practical reasons. Malachite and galena are both used as eye protectors. While there are others used for their ability to repel insects and help the body adapt to climate changes. Aside from this, ancient Egyptians believed that black makeup can drive evil sprits away.

Romans did not associate physical appearance to their religious beliefs. But they were already using makeup like lipstick and blush for the cheeks.

Ancient Greeks also used mineral makeup because they wanted to be close to the gods. In Greece, ancient women who belong in the high class rarely go out and get exposed to the sun. That is why women with pale skin are regarded highly, so they started using makeup to make the skin appear pale.

Greek women would use honey and olive oil to keep their skin’s moisture. Olive oil is also a part of their eye enhancement make-up along with charcoal. Lipstick are from mixture of redding and bees wax. This primitive lipstick evolved in ochre clay and red iron, making it a little bit harder and easier to apply to their lips

In the east, Chinese and Japanese were also applying makeup to their faces. Japanese geisha would paint their faces white and outline their eyebrows with charcoal. Actually, this did not happen in Asia only. In Europe, aristocrats would put powders in their faces. The idea is that this would separate them from the common, working class.

The 19th century signalled a different approach to cosmetics. Since pale complexion is a symbol of aristocracy, more men and women are trying to look pale. They would use hydroxide carbonate which unfortunately, has negative and toxic effects on the body. Later on , zinc oxide replaced the toxic substance.

Aside from class distinction, makeup was started to be used to get a younger look. This helped them deceive people of their true age. Powdered paper became popular. They were used with the same purpose of current powders, they were used to remove the shine.

World War II slowed the manufacturing and development of makeup. There are more important things that these items. But after the war, the cosmetic industry started to recover and never looked back. More and more women, and also men, started to purchase cosmetics to improve and enhance their physical features.

During the 1970s, a different trend started to materialize. Mineral makeup which consists pure and fine minerals were applied straight to the face. This mineral makeup did not undergo any chemical process which would inject chemicals and preservatives. Until now, this industry is continually growing.

By Robert Perkis
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