Mind Mapping Drawing Tips

Mind mapping, which is also referred to as a brainstorming diagram, involves jotting down a central idea on a piece of blank background then thinking up of related topics that are to radiate out centrifugally. Through focusing oneself in a central idea, a wider scope can be outlined because of the connection of one idea from another. Focus is the tool that is to be used when writing own ideas and words, observing branches that serves as connections between and idea to another. Mapping is very helpful in understanding and remembering new and vital information.

With this, there are several tips on how to efficiently make mapping work for your brain and your memory as well.

Tip 1 – Make relationships

Like familiar strangers wherein you are connected because of a friend of another friend, that is how facts and information should be accurately intertwined with one another. You can use arrows, colors, lines and even braches (like that of a tree part) to be able to show the possible connections of ideas being generated inside your mind. Relationships of one idea from the idea are important for one to understand the derivative of the new information patterned out through construction of the map. Personalized mapping denotes own designs and symbols which can effective for visualizing relationships meaningfully related to one another. Plus, it will help you recall and understand every “branched out” information.

Tip 2 – Do not judge, pause or edit

Linear thinking is the concept wherein these three elements are present. In mapping, analyzing is only secondary. What is important is the very thing that pops out your head while focusing on the idea. But you have to be sure that whatever pops out your mind is direly related to the topic otherwise you have to use your reasoning ability to pattern your thoughts. Modification can be done in the later stage of analyzing the entire concept of the idea. It is important that you allow yourself to be flexible that every idea can be included in the map for as long as the puzzle fits. Sometimes, the obscure topics are the ones that make sense.

Tip 3 – Be specific

Write down only what seems to matter and not the entire idea. Use keywords and phrases but not an entire sentence or paragraph. Be brief but straight to the point of what you want to convey. Use capitals in order to get only the important key points. You can write down notes which explain your keyword which can be located at the bottom of the word.

Tip 4 – Centralize the idea

Always put the idea in the middle of the page and not in corners. Students prefer that it is more useful to focus on a landscape type of view. Because the topic or main idea is placed at the center of the page, It will give you a maximum space for other related ideas to radiate from the center.

Tip 5 – Spacing

Some of the most significant mind mapping notes are those that have spaces left for further note-taking add ups. You can also choose to highlight some of the important information which the lecturer or you boss has reiterated. Spacing is good to provide additional information to join into the picture.

A good mind mapping is the one that is overflowing with appropriate details from the past and present.


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