Surviving Boot Camp: Getting Into The Military

When a person tries to get into the US military, there's one big hurdle that he always has to jump through, no matter what branch of the military he is joining. It's basic training or, as it is better known to the world, "boot camp". I know, I know, you may think you just need to grit your teeth and tough it out like in the movies but it's rarely that easy. Getting into the military is serious business and all branches of the military try to do their best to weed out the chaff.

A large amount of enlisters wash out in boot camp. Most of them fail because they weren't exactly prepared for what was to come. Yeah, I know, strange considering with the way we are bombarded by images of boot camp in various forms of media, but then Hollywood boot camp isn't exactly the real military boot camp. Here's a simple guide to help you survive basic training whatever branch of the US military you decided to join.

1) Boot Camp Is Worse Than You Can Ever Imagine: Let's be direct here - it is bad, really bad and you will probably go through hell while doing it. Basic training is designed to put you under the greatest physical and mental stress you can imagine. Strict regimentation and grueling physical exercise combine to try and strip away "you" as an individual and create you into a soldier of the United States of America. There are a whole lot of people in the world and some people can only take so much stress. You need to be physically and mentally stuff before you go in there or you wash out.

2) Be Prepared: Whatever branch of the military you're trying to enter, it's always good to prepare for what is to come, both in mind and in body. Different branches have different requirements. The Army and the Marine Corps are probably the most physically demanding of the bunch. This is not to say that the other programs are a snap, they're just slightly less strenuous on you, which is still quite a bit of pressure on your body. Doing a steady regimen of exercise before going to boot camp can help get you through it. Reading up on the branch of the military you're going into can also help - each service has its own traditions and values and knowing them in advance can help you avoid quite a bit of pain.

3) Follow Orders: Yeah, we've all seen the trope in the movies: the belligerent class clown in basic training triumphs in the end. Trust me, he doesn't; in the real world, he'll probably wash out with a lot of bruises, mentally and physically. Boot camp is to prepare you for a future in the military and every branch of the military asks for one thing: complete obedience to superiors and the chain of command. Of course, there's a bit of wiggle room there when you go up higher in the ranks but in boot camp, you're the lowest of the low and are expected to follow all your drill instructors tell you.

4) Think It Over: Seriously ask yourself this question: "Do you really want or need to be in the Army/Air Force/Navy?" Don't just decide on it as a spur-of-a-moment thing. If you're not a hundred percent about it, better skip the pain of basic training and go through an alternate career path.

There you go, four simple pointers to help you get through boot camp and into the military. Hope this helps you get through and start you on your military career.


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