Metal Detector and Other Important Metal Detecting Accessories

Metal detecting is easier said than done. While it can be a very interesting and profitable hobby or full-time profession, it does require research as well as considerable expense. For neophytes like you, it is necessary that you are familiar with how your metal detector works. If you have sufficient knowledge and understanding about metal detectors, then you are on your way to finding the best unit available in the market.

A metal detector is made up of three parts. These are:

1. Coil
It is the plastic circular portion at the bottom of the spine. It comes with two elements: one is used for receiving and the other one for transmission.

2. Spine
Since it is the body of the detector, the spine is designed for balance and stability. The handles of the detector are also crucial so they need to be padded to provide you with comfort.

3. Control box
This part houses the microprocessors which read the signal coming from the receiver. The information will then be passed on to the operator.

Aside from your metal detector, you also need several accessories that will make metal detecting easier for you and will help increase your chances of unearthing precious treasures. Among these accessories are:

This accessory is important as it is used for digging up. There are several kinds of trowel made specifically for treasure hunting but a simple garden trowel comes cheaper and is enough for such purpose.

With a headphone or earphone, you can hear even the faintest, deepest signals. It also helps you easily distinguish smaller items that might be buried or lying on the edge. It hence allows you to discover more items.

Distracting sounds like waves and wind will be muted out so you can focus on your metal detecting. This accessory also helps extend the life of your detector's batteries because it makes it possible for you to turn the speaker off.

Extra coils
Metal detector coils come in different shapes and sizes to serve different purposes. It is good if you have extra coils so you have replacement unit in case the factory-installed coil in your detector gets damaged.

Scuff cover
This accessory is designed to protect your detector. It also provides your control box with extra water proofing.

Ground cloth
You will use this accessory for cleaning your metal detector and your finds.

Flashlight or headlamp
With a headlamp, you can continue your metal detecting even if it's already dark.

Plastic containers
Different sizes of plastic containers are also important because they will be the ones to house your finds. You can choose those containers with adjustable slots to accommodate the size of the treasures you've found.

Spare batteries
If you're planning to spend long hours in detecting metals, then make sure you have spare batteries with you. You will need them for your radio, flashlights, and other battery-operated items you bring with you.

No doubt, these metal detecting accessories are surely in enhancing your chances of finding old coins, jewelry, and many other valuable items.


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