The Torn and Restored Magic Trick

Ever seen someone tear a piece of paper and within a few seconds witness it put back together? If you think about it, that is not possible. But if you know the secret of this magic trick, you can achieve the same results.

For this, you will need to prepare a few things. Lets say you are using a playing card and before you perform the trick, rip off already a piece of the card of the same color and suit you will be using to make people believe that is going to be the one you are going to tear.

When you are ready, place the card facing in front of you and fold it into four pieces. Crease it and then unravel it. While you are doing that, explain to those who are watching that you are doing this so the card can be torn evenly.

In essence you are holding two cards with the extra torn card piece pressed by your thumb onto the side of the card that is facing you. You rip down the upper middle piece of the card stopping at the center and then fold down the upper right corner and slide out the card which you ripped earlier making people believe that you just tore it in front of them.

To make the trick more believable, you rip it one more time by folding what is now the lower right corner behind the card. As you are bending the piece back, you slide the extra piece into view again and rip it off. Don’t forget to put this behind the card and fold the card in half again.

You rip the card one more time and when you are done, you fan the pieces to make everyone see that there are three pieces of one card in your hand. You can even call someone in the audience to check it and then when you set the torn pieces on the table, you take away the loose piece using your thumb and hide this in your hand by using a finger palm move.

With one hand, you make the second card come out which was never torn in the first place appear out of nowhere which can be examined by the person you called earlier and be surprised to see that the card has been restored to its original form. As for the torn card that is hidden in the other hand, quickly slide this in your pocket and bring your hand out so no one will know that you made a switch.

The torn and restored magic trick can be performed in 6 simple steps. Don’t expect to learn it overnight since it will take time to master since you have to make sure that the torn area is proportionate with the one you will make everyone believe you will tear later. Otherwise, they will notice the difference and your people will know that you made a switch.

If you what to learn more magic tricks like this one, do some research by buying a book or looking for this in the web. Most of the information can be downloaded for free so you can practice as many tricks as you can and impress whoever is watching.


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