Performing a Vanishing Magic Trick with a Coin

The hand is faster than the eye and this is so true once you have mastered performing the vanishing magic trick with a coin. The key to this trick is the position of the coin and for this to work; you will need two of them.

The first you have to do is lay one coin in the palm of each hand. The coin on the left should be placed in the middle of the palm. The coin on the right should be near the thumb.

In one quick motion, you should flip both hands and then let it face down on the table. You must quickly move the coin on the right hand to the left without anyone noticing then twitch the right thumb a bit to deceive people into thinking that both coins are there.

You then ask the audience where the coins are. The deception you caused earlier will make many believe that the coins are on the right but when you open it, they are wrong because the two coins are both under your left hand which they will see when you open up your hand.

This trick can also be done with the opposite hand. You should just put one coin in the middle or your right palm and the other coin near your left thumb then repeat the instructions as mentioned before.

Again, the key to this trick is the position of the coins. When you rotate your hands from palm up to down, the coin in the center stays put while the other shifts the coin to the other hand. You have to do this very quickly so the audience does not suspect what happens. If you don’t follow the proper positioning of both hands, one coin will flick away and your trick will fail.

One way to practice this trick is to imagine your hand is a table tennis paddle. If the coin is in the center of your palm, this will make sure that the coin will stay in the same place when it lands. As for the other, something different happens.

This helps you move the coin from one hand to the other so when you lift the hand containing the coin, people will see two and not one.

The speed at which the coin travels from one hand to the other varies. The more time you have to practice, the better so even when people ask how you do it, you simply say “a magician never tells how he does his tricks.”

The vanishing magic trick using a coin is just one of many tricks you can do. There are also variations which you can learn and try out so those who watch you won’t feel bad always seeing the same thing. A lot of these can be found online while there are a few that are written down in books with pictures to guide you along the way.

When you are ready, try to do this with a friend first and see if you are successful. If it works, then perhaps it is time to try this out in the presence of strangers. In any magic trick, just remember that positioning is everything and this can only be achieved with patience and practice.


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