Great Bar Magic Tricks

There are so many great bar magic tricks you can try out. Just to give you an idea, here are a few which will tell you what equipment you need and how to do it.

The first is called the sucking glass trick because you are trying to make beer go into the glass with touching the beer itself. For this you will need an ashtray, an empty pint glass, some beer, a box of matches and a coin.

When everything is ready, you pour a shallow layer of beer into the ashtray. You then place a coin in the middle of the beer, light a match and place it horizontally on the coin. You take the empty glass and place it over the coin and match and within seconds, a vacuum will cause the beer to be sucked into the glass.

A similar trick is called Push the Glass. Here, you push a small glass through the handle of a beer mug without touching both glasses. For this, you will need small glass, a beer mug and a straw.

Once you put everything on the table, you take the straw and stick it through the handle of the beer mug and push the small glass with it. This enables you to push the small glass through the handle without touching either of the two.

The next trick is called the Olive Bridge. Here, you make the olive leap over a hurdle and into a whisky glass. For this to work, you will need an olive, a brandy glass, three whisky tumblers and a straw.

You set it up by placing the olive on the bar and the brandy glass nearby. Put two whisky glasses upside down six inches apart from the olive with the straw between the two like a hurdle. The third whisky glass should be placed another 6 inches away from the hurdle but this one should be with the opening facing up.

Now put the brandy glass upside down and over the olive. Hold the base of the brandy glass and start twirling it around as this will create a centrifugal force that will cause the olive to rise and spin around. Keep working on it as you are moving this over to the hurdle. Once it is over the hurdle, stop twirling and then drop the olive in.

The next trick is called the corker. Here, you are trying to get the cork out of a bottle without breaking the glass. For this, you will need a silk scarf, an empty wine bottle and a cork.

You place the cork into the bottle and then grab a scarf by holding it in two diagonally opposite corners. You guide the center of the scarf into the bottle without letting go of the corners. While you are holding the bottle horizontally, you can move the cork onto the side of the scarf loop that is formed and be able to pull out the cork without breaking the bottle.

There are other magic tricks you can do. You should just work on them so that with a little practice, you get the admiration of the audience rather than embarrassing yourself. So do some research and have some fun. After all, drinking alcohol is just one of the things you can do at a bar.


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