Lose More Than 10 Pounds in 10 Days

There is nothing like the prospect of losing more than 10 pounds in 10 days. However, most people seem to lack the motivation they need to start a weight loss regimen. To jumpstart your diet, you would be glad to know that a juice fasting diet can help you achieve a healthier figure.

Benefits of the Juice Fasting Diet

A typical juice fasting diet provides several long-term benefits. Some of these advantages include: an improvement in the body’s ability to detoxify and expel harmful toxins, increase the metabolic rate and develop the body’s ability to absorb nutrition properly. More so, this kind of diet can eventually eliminate addictions and cravings.

Planning Your Diet

It is important to start on a weekend because the first two days of the diet is the hardest. This would give you a lot of time to deal possible food withdrawal symptoms and feel the purging effects of the diet. Additionally, make sure you stock a number of distractions in your house. Movies, books and games are excellent distractions.

If you are employed, plan the diet on a week that is particularly less stressful. For instance, pick a week when you are most likely to handle less assignments and projects. The diet can be stressful on its own. You don’t want to put more stress on the body as this can hinder your success rate.

Mixing the Juice for the Diet

This is the most important part of the diet. Firstly, make sure you are equipped with an excellent juicer since this would be your friend for the duration of the diet. Make sure it can handle juicing in frequencies of six to eight times a day.

As for the type of juice, there are plenty you could choose from. For starters, you can opt for the Lemonade Diet or the Master Cleanse, which consists of maple syrup, lemonade with a spike of cayenne pepper. A basic 2:2:.5 ratio of the mixture should be mixed with double ounces of water is enough for one glass.

Make sure you drink the mixture each time you feel hungry. Don’t be afraid of depriving yourself of food because the nutritional content of the juice is enough to supply you with a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Plus, it is actually very satisfying. It is important not to deviate from the diet otherwise you’ll fail.

Sailing through the Diet

The most important attitude you should posses during the diet is patience. The juice fasting diet will definitely test you during the first week. To survive this, always be optimistic and believe that you are doing something good to your body.

In addition, make sure you drink plenty of water during the course of the diet instead of relying on the juice to keep you hydrated. It is very important to drink lots of water to your body detoxify even more effectively. If you follow this routine, you are sure to lose more than 10 pounds in 10 days. After achieving the desired results, remember to go back to your regular eating habits.

Just make sure that you eat healthy and add a daily exercise routine to maintain your weight, lose more weight and prevent your body from gaining back the lost weight.


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