Being a Woman Locksmith

Being a locksmith is certainly not determined by whether or not a person is a man or a woman. Women who are interested in the field do face challenges a man doesn't necessarily face, but they aren't disqualified from becoming locksmiths solely because of their gender. Women are capable of performing the mechanical tasks the job requires and a few women over the years have bridged the gender gap to excel in the field.

If someone prefers to be in a career such as a locksmith, they will deal less with the public than they would if they were in a job such as waitressing or teaching. It is more of a one-on-one, in-the-shadows type of position. Although it does put a person in the public eye, it is not a socially demanding position.

There are female locksmiths in several parts of the world. There is one in Russia, one in North Carolina, one in England, one in California, and one in Rhode Island. There are very few documented in history, and the ones who are have low profiles. One of the few and most highly-esteemed women who have made history as a locksmith is Billie Boyd. She is noted as the first female locksmith in the Corps. Also chosen to be an official lockmaster and the second female for such a position in the Corps is Bernadette LeBleu. Both women can attest to the hurdles of having to prove themselves in a male dominated field. Women lock pickers enjoy the challenge and attend the conventions and events, but they are not given the public attention as these two women have been. Billie Boyd and Bernadette LeBleu have made locksmithing their dedicated career choice.

Some of the battles a woman locksmith would have to face include prejudice against their abilities, sexual harassment or insults, compromise of personal safety, being taken seriously in the profession, and being able to gain the deserved respect.
More is known about the women who compete in warfare than is known about women locksmiths. Apparently feminism has had little intrusion into this particular area. As a general rule, mechanical engineering is a field that leans towards the man's thought process rather than the woman's. The appeal just isn't there for most women.

One famous female who is not yet considered old enough to be a woman is an 11 year old lock picker recognized at an event held for amateurs and professionals alike. She wowed the adults at the Locksport International DEFCON 14 event, picking up the talent quickly in the competitions. There can always be an exception to the norm.

Being a woman locksmith has its advantages since there are so few women in the trade. A woman who does perform exceptionally will stand out more than usual because there are so few other women to compete. While there may be some drawbacks to such a career, there is also much to be respected about it. The type of personality required to perform the tasks must be the type to respect the privacy of others, be willing to be on call for emergencies, and be willing to work alone in many instances.


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