Step One: Get Free Living Wills Online

Like anything else, making a living will should always start with step one. You can't expect to jump directly to the finish line without going through a number of necessary stages. So launch your Internet browser and look for free living wills online.

The advent of the World Wide Web had really made a lot of things more accessible. In fact, the availability of information about any topic under the sun is just so overwhelming. With regard to living wills, these forms have become easily downloadable from a variety of sources and web sites. On top of that, you may even get the living will forms for free.

Aside from getting hold of a living will form from the different hospitals in your locality, you can also visit their web site in the comfort of your own residence. You can easily get free living wills online, straight from the hospital's web site.

Simply print the form and have a look at it before making your final living will. It usually includes detailed questions on the subject of medical directives. Remember that every person is unique and entitled to formulate his or her own preferences with regard to health care and life support.

Every state has its own set of laws on the topic of living wills. Minor differences may be present yet the general rules and practice remain unchanged. Nevertheless, it is recommended to perform a comprehensive study of the apposite state laws prior to drafting your living will. Various web sites on the Internet actually provide a lot of information and state-specific details about the subject matter.

Parts of the Living Will

Living wills are typically comprised of two distinct parts. The first part indicates when it will be effective and could specify one or more conditions that would serve as the triggering factor. Once the specified condition has been established to be in existence, the living will's second portion will commence.

This section points out what medical treatments are to be given or withheld. A common stipulation is that measures to assuage pain and lessen suffering should on no account be denied to the patient. If you happen to hold the same sentiment, ensure that your living will includes this provision.

Ascertaining the Patient's Condition

The task of ascertaining the condition of the patient is placed in the hands of the doctors. The attending physicians, as well as a medical consultant, should individually examine the patient. The findings should then be documented in the medical chart prior to withholding or withdrawing various life-prolonging measures.

Procedure for Dispute

When an attending doctor's decision to withhold or remove life support measures is called into question, he or she is compelled to continue the provision of treatment. A judicial evaluation of the disputed decision should be sought within a period of seven days; otherwise, the physician may carry on with the medical directive as stated in the patient's living will.

Although life-prolonging measures may be withheld in the absence of a living will, drafting one will guarantee that these decisions are formulated based on the expressed desires of the patient, and not merely derived from the collective opinions of his or her immediate family.

To save your loved ones from the burden and pain of making difficult determinations for your medical care, start off with that first step of getting free living wills online.


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