Lift Chairs For Senior Citizens In Illinois

Lift chairs for senior citizens in Illinois will likely never run out for demand and, in fact, may even be more highly required these coming months. Earlier this year, the state's Department on Aging formally announced a campaign encouraging all its citizens to start implementing strategies for a healthier lifestyle. The theme – 2010: Year of the Engaged Older Adult. The campaign particularly aims to focus on enriching the lives of older adults by giving them – and guiding them throughout the process – more control in taking charge of their own health.

Thanks to lift chairs! This goal can be made a lot easier especially for those suffering from severe arthritis, neuromuscular disease, and back problems. These specialized chairs enable great wonders for older adults. As of 2008, there are more than 1,573,000 senior citizens in Illinois which comprise 12.2% of the state's population. Add to this a 2004 statistics which shows 42% of all persons 65 years and above as having disability; and 8.75% as having difficulty performing the Activities of Daily Living (which include moving around inside the home).

The government is doing its best to make sure that the senior citizens are not neglected – especially on matters where healthcare is involved. In fact, despite the findings on how reimbursements for lift chairs have been extremely abused in the past due to aggressive national marketing, Medicare did not completely eliminate the privilege but only imposed certain limitations. Any senior citizen who completely qualifies for eligibility is free to reimburse the portion of his expenses incurred for his chair's lifting mechanism.

Lift chairs will undoubtedly play a great role in ensuring that the old become resources for great health instead of burdens that need to be painstakingly cared for. These chairs are designed to prevent further deterioration of the bones which normally happens as we age. Low back pain is estimated to be inevitable for 80% to 90% of adults. It ranks second as the reason for doctor's visits, and ranks third as the cause for hospital admissions. Add to this the money annually spent for back pain in US which reaches $20-$75 billion and as high as $100 billion worldwide. The use of lift chair as a tool for preventing back problems and other related medical conditions can tremendously improve a person's health especially once he reaches adulthood.

There are numerous types of lift chairs that can be purchased virtually anywhere. If you are in no condition to physically shop around, you may always look for lift chairs online and have the store ship the item directly to your location. Most manufacturing companies and resellers offer free delivery and even give promotions such as discounts including great after-sale services. The chairs also come with warranties – with lifetime coverage for some of the parts – and some can even be returned at no cost (except for the return shipping) should you not be satisfied with the design, function, etc.

Most importantly, before buying lift chairs for senior citizens in Illinois, contact your Medicare carrier (AdminiStar Federal – for Illinois residents) to inquire on the details of coverage.


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