Coaching Lives by the Big Guy Up There

The Realization

I remember that day when my girlfriend and I parted ways almost two years ago. For a couple who had been together for almost 6 years, it was very disturbing to think that I would be starting the next day being single. I did not know where to start. I had been accustomed to having her beside me all the time, being with her practically almost every moment I was not engaged in my academics and extra-curricular activities.

I didn’t know who I was anymore. Six months of grief and feeling of loss passed. I had been constantly seeking refuge and solace in my church as I attended midweek and Sunday services, but none seemed soothing and assuring. I had no one to rest my weary shoulders. I needed someone coaching lives and telling me what I should do.

It was only when I had started to practice my Quiet Time (personal talk and devotion with God) did I find the answer. I woke up at 5:30am to devote my personal time to Him alone, and in that moment I opened up the Bible, a message struck me and moved me intensely. The message was always there waiting for me to read it and understand His message. The message was all about me. It said that I am His child, who was created in His image, love and glory.

It knocked much sense into me. Here I was, all too busy to find a very shallow meaning of how I would be able to carry myself being apart from what I was so used to that I forgot Him; that all things that I am was about Him; that what I have and what I should be doing should be for Him. I realized that I am His son, who is a manifestation of His glory and greatness.

I realized that I have to seek Him first and his righteousness. With that, I would be given what my heart desires in His good time. I was able to know now my purpose of existence.

The Inspiration

A new desire for Him instead was born from within. In order to know myself better, I would have to know where I came from and what my purpose was. That would be recognized and renewed each day that I seek God. With it I have a purpose: to be an instrument of getting others closer back to Him and spreading His word of the beauty and wonders of having passion and faith, and His promise of everlasting life and blessings far more abundant than what we, as humans are limited to comprehend.

It didn’t take much time to seek Him. He was there – always was. He was just waiting for me to stop and actually look His way and acknowledge His presence. The rest was history. Sometimes we already have the answers but we fail to look at the places nearest us.

We tend to look for something quick that we forget that when we speed up our pace, it becomes harder for us to focus on things that whiz past us quickly.

By living our lives with Him and his righteousness do we become life’s coaches. We may not know it but as long as we have inspiration of Him in us as our fuel, it wouldn’t be that hard for us to actually go about and not notice that we ourselves are becoming instruments in coaching lives.


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My Articles

Life Coach Objective
Taking A Big Step: Coaching A Life
The Life Coach Therapy
Becoming A Life Coach
Coaching For Life
Faith: The Invisible Life Coach
Starting Your Life Coach Career
Life Coach: Do You Need One?
How To Become A Certified Life Coach
Driving Your Life On Its Way To Its Purpose
Coaching Lives By The Big Guy Up There
Choosing A Life Coach School
Coaching In Life For Honor
Life Coaching And Business – A Match Made In Heaven
Life Coach Specialization
Get Back In The Race: Get A Life Coach
My Enemy Is My Friend: The Unwanted Life Coach
Life Coach 101: How To Be A Life Coach
Bushido Life Coaching
Spotting A Qualified Life Coach
How To Look For A Life Coach
Life Coaches Come In Small Packages
Coaching In Another Level
Life Coaching Through Experience

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