Learn about Archery Bows

The basic piece of archery equipment is the bow, needless to say. There are three types of bows.

The longbow is the most basic, elemental of bows. It was invented somewhere between 9000 and 6000 BCE and it has remain essentially unchanged ever since that time. Shaped from just a single piece of timber, its grip is typically made with a strip of leather that is bound around the wood. A small niche is cut into the side of the bow. This is where the arrow rests. You don't use a bow-sight when you're shooting with a longbow. You fully draw the arrow back, and then use the arrow's tip as your sight as you take aim and fire.

Then there is the recurve bow. These bows are generally larger than longbows and are anywhere from 48 inches to 70 inches in length, with the typical size being 66 inches. In order to choose a recurve bow size that is right for you, you need to know what your draw length is. As a rule of thumb in choosing the right recurve bow, a person who has a draw length of less than 28 inches can use a bow that is between 62 and 66 inches long, whereas a person with a draw length of more than 28 inches can use a bow that is between 66 and 70 inches in length.

A recurve bow's draw length is typically written on the backside of the lower limb of the bow. A recurve bow's weight is expressed in pounds per draw length of 28 inches. So, if it said #25 @ 28, this would mean that you would need to apply a force of 25 pounds with the bowstring pulled back 28 inches in order to be able to make the draw. For beginners and children, the draw weight should be 15-20 pounds, and for those who are experienced adults it should be 20-25 pounds.

Recurve bows are typically made from timber that has been laminated. They are given a clear finish on the limbs and the riser. The kinds of timber used in the riser vary and can give the appearance of motley colors. A layer of fibreglass is applied to each side to fortify it. There are one-piece recurve bows and there are "take down" recurve bows. The latter has a pocket in the bottom and top of the riser (or handle) where the limbs bolt in. These bows can be dismantled for the purpose of easy transporation and limbs of varying weights and strengths can be inserted.

Then there is the compound bow. These are anywhere from 33 to 48 inches tall. Smaller heights are for children and taller ones are for adults. The riser is typically made from aluminum alloy to give lots of strength, while the limbs are fitted with an "eccentric wheel" (off-center). The bow string is attached by "tear drops" at the ends of plastic-coated steel cables. The draw weight is adjustable within a 15-pound range. Once you draw a compound bow to "peak draw" weight and keep pulling, the wheel device makes it so that once you have it in full draw you don't need to apply as much pound-force.


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