Learn the Steps on Playing the Piano Effectively

1. Decide if you’re really up for the job. Meaning, you have to know how far you can go to spend time with teaching yourself on how to play. There are several considerations before embarking on a purchasing deal. If you only wanted a piano for display purposes, then might as well buy antique China porcelain. Pianos are instruments and not just a property that will serve its pleasure to the eyes.

2.If you have decided that you wanted to play real music through your piano, then, might as well include in your list a couple of piano lesson leaflets or books. This will help you dearly especially if you wanted to learn by your own.

3. Choose your instructor. There are a lot of options to choose from when guiding your way through piano lessons. First you could learn on your own basing on two things: manuals and through the internet. The good thing about learning on your own is that you own your time when you decide when and where to practice. And, these are cheap resources of knowledge and principles, although you should recognize your mistakes in the occasion that you make one.

The second option that you can go for is to hire or ask someone to spend even an hour of his or her time to teach you. You are lucky if someone in the family already knows how to play the piano because if not, it is very rare to find a person who can be hired to teach on such an affordable price. What’s good about finding someone to help out is that you can learn faster than learning it by yourself.

4. Either of the many variables mentioned, the next step would be tuning your piano. This would be an easy task to conquer because even before buying or delivering the instrument, you could ask someone in the music store to tune it for you.

5. Understand the manual. Don’t just read it, follow it and keep it locked inside your head. The books that you bought would be very effective only if you let yourself be taught by it.

6. Do not skip on every lesson. Every instruction is vital to complete the whole of your knowledge. Think of it, they wouldn’t be included in the instructions if they don’t mean a pinch of importance.

7. Familiarize yourself with the different chords. Unlike with the guitar wherein you can strum or pluck, in piano playing, you just have to press the right keys. It would be helpful if you would know the low pitched and high pitched tunes. Better yet, if you’re not able to remember, label your keys.

8. Warm up at the beginning of every practice to stretch your hands and make them work as a team and not just every man for himself. Playing the piano requires that every single finger attached to your hands must press the appointed keys. It’s more like encoding an article. Make your fingers move through every key.

You can play even though you’re not playing any sense out of it. This will help your fingers be more flexible and reliable. If you have struggled enough, try catching on the easy pieces.

9. Give yourself time to practice at least an hour every day. This would not make your fingers feel stressed out to advance to the next level of learning. Play with ease and relaxation.


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