No-Brainer Tips to Learn Italian Language on Your Own

There is an inexpensive way to learn Italian language than enrolling yourself in an Italian language class: learn it on your own. As with anything that you are trying to become skilled at, incorporating Italian into your daily life – as though it’s a part of your native tongue – is the key to practice the language.

There should be a realistic timetable for being able to speak Italian quite easier for you. Drop altogether anything whose catchphrase sounds like “speak Italian in 10 days” for you can rest assured such assurance will only disappoint you.

Following the tips below will help you learn the language effectively, and in no time use it as a conversation tool:

One small step at a time

Learn a few Italian words each day and know them by heart. The secret here is to be really familiar with only a few ones each time. For instance, learning 10 to 15 words accurately works better than trying to remember a superfluous of 50 per day. Don’t get stuck though - if you think you are already comfortable in the ones that you have learned, try to move on to a few more which you find confusing. This will help widen your Italian vocabulary in no time.

Practice makes perfect

Always bring your pocket Italian - English dictionary with you. Utilize your slack time by thinking of short, random English sentences and try to translate them into Italian. If you are unsure of how to translate a particular word, consult your handy dictionary. Repeat them in your mind or, only if applicable, say them aloud again and again. Hearing yourself say those phrases will help you remember them better. And you will gain added motivation hearing yourself speak a foreign language you so desire to learn.

Anticipating works

Practice saying common Italian phrases, especially the ones that you think you are most likely to use in the future when speaking Italian is the only way to do it. Picture yourself being in a scenario, like in an Italian airport, restaurant or a famous landmark. What are you most likely to ask or say to an Italian? You will probably ask for directions at the bus stop, or order an exquisite Italian meal in a café. Throw in a few frequently used greetings that will come in handy when interacting with others. Anticipate which phrases you are going to use in expressing gratitude, making a request or saying goodbye.

Watching Italians speak Italian

Rent a load of Italian movies to learn more vocabulary, structuring of sentences, and proper pronunciations and intonations. Each time you encounter a relevant line in the film, hit the pause button and repeat the line. But do so slowly and clearly; your goal is to be able to express yourself in Italian, and not try to pass as an Italian. You might want to write them down for practice and future reference. You can also listen to a lot of Italian songs, and might as well sing to them aloud for maximum retention.

When you try to learn Italian language on your own, remember that it is best developed if you are able to put it into good use. Incorporating Italian sentences into your daily life will not only give you practice, but ease and confidence in the use of the language as well.


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